
September 25th, 2014




I have recently been asked by a few Valarnet members to assist with things that have come from the Dreams. In one case, helping vampires with their needs. In another, analyzing a chemical compound that came "from the dreams," and in yet another replicating a substance unknown to this earth via magical means... I have found that I am more than sufficiently competent at this kind of work, and also that it's quite enjoyable.

That being said, I am here to offer my services. I make Potions from my own Dream World, and have a large supply on hand, but I can also analyze compounds, create magical items, and replicate just about anything. Even things that don't exist in this world.

Please feel free to contact me below with questions, comments or concerns. And do let me know if you have any work for me.




Harry's birthday party on Tuesday was great, I need to say thank you to Portia for my dress which was the most amazing thing I've ever worn.

Today we are in Chicago, which has been a blast, I've seen the Bean, Navy Pier and we had a tour of Wrigley Field before being whisked up to a rooftop bar! Awesome day. Now I am off to sleep.

Happy Birthday Harry!!!


You know, I've seen people here talking about their dreams like they were real and I just kind of ignored it, since mine weren't ever anything like that, but... I had the worst nightmare I've ever had last night, it felt real, and when I woke up, I had a draft notice and dog tags from the forties on my desk. Cap had to wake me up, the dream got so bad. Is this what the "Dreams" are? Terrible shit happening to you in your sleep, waking up with things you've never seen before?

Private to Steve
You're in my dreams -- so far you've been the only good thing in them. Does a trip to the World Exposition of Tomorrow before I ship out for England sound familiar to you? We were on a double date, there was a fella with a flying car? You wanted to get your punk ass sent over even though it would kill you? Ring any bells?

If it doesn't pretend I didn't even say anything.




I suppose it's too bad that Oliver! takes place about 45 years after the dreams as a potential costume could be made out of what I found in my closet this morning thanks to the dreams.

Though this close to opening, probably best I didn't try to suggest a new costume..

I've been informed that you've been looking into some things.

So, are we still doing the ignoring game? Just answer me so I know you're okay




Dear Dreams: Die in a fire. A really, really hot fire. No love, Elaine

Okay, maybe not die in a fire. But the Dreams aren't being very nice lately. I had a week or so without them, that was nice.. I need a drink or two after this last one..

Got my photos submitted for the edition, got propositioned for a new job as a photographer for National Geographic. Might take them up on it. I mean I doubt they'll send me to photograph radioactive boars.




When I woke this morning I found myself wearing a ring I'd never seen before. Then as I woke more I recalled bits of the dreams I'd had the night before and in those, I was wearing that ring. I'm not entirely certain what purpose is served by breaking into my home and placing a ring on my left middle finger, but I'm thoroughly perplexed. The dreams... those are another thing entirely.