
September 1st, 2014



Backdated to Friday evening

BRB. Vegas.

[Filtered to all friends]

With Caroline. ;)




It's been almost two years since I was last in school, so it seems strange that I'm going back now. Not to mention, not having technically finished high school probably won't make college any easier. This is gonna be fun. Or I'll fail miserably. Only time will tell.




I've just spent all night at the hospital with Aramis.

He's all right now, he pulled through surgery okay. Still groggy as all hell of course, but at least it'll keep him from moving too much.

Some time in the night, he woke up screaming, saying he'd been shot. I thought it was just another Dream until I saw all the blood -- goddamn musket ball in his shoulder. Had to rush him to the ER to get it removed and stitched up.

The doctors say he'll be fine, he's a fighter (don't have to tell me twice). No visitors for right now, since he's just got out of surgery and all. But I'll pass along regards.

I'm sick of these fucking dreams, I really am.




I can officially cross off "dying" and "coming back to life" off my bucket list. I've read it's a thing here, so I feel like I've been initiated into some kind of club.

Also, ever wonder where a mouth of hell would conveniently be and open up at? Check your local school library! You'd be surprised.




When my trainer convinces me that a good ten mile run is a GREAT idea, remind me to punch him in the face next time.

I'm pretty sure my legs hate me. And he wants me to do that twice a week. There have got to be better ways to work on endurance. If he is harboring dreams of submitting me to a Spartan race or something, I might have to go buy a Spa business just so I won't die.

Who ever gave my trainer these ideas needs to be shot. He's got it in his head to turn me into something all around awesome. My legs are not happy with this plan. Save me!

Unless you gave him the idea then I'm glowering at you and you need to make it up to me.




Check my email, and find an email from my project manager from this summer, with this picture attached.

Cut for space, visible to all )

What the hell? You googled my roommate? Why would you do that? And I find it hard to believe that school records are readily available. Which still doesn't explain why you did that.

And why do you care so much about the specifics of Uncle Peter's dream or whatever?




Ummmm. So the keys on my keyboard? Currently are sticking to my hands. For no reason. None. I peeled them off of my laptop without even thinking about it. My left home row of keys? Gone. I don't

What is this?




Gallery show is being put together. I'm actually excited. The director and I finally cut the list down to twenty of the best photos. I was a little surprised at a few of the selections but I think it'll be nice over all. I know I don't really know too many of you here but if you want to come see, there will be food and drinks, it's at Avantgarden in Santa Ana, and will be opening September 12th. I'm excited.

Cut for Photo, not filtered )

Filter: Clint Barton
So two things
one: can't find the card for the guy you told me about
two: Would you like to come over for dinner?




Apparently my subconscious thinks I've been watching far too much Disney.

Other than that, I've been scrounging the internet and sorting through resumes in search for an assistant. Don't know why I've let a colleague convince me, but perhaps my workload's become too much, even for a workaholic. And with the amount of projects and deadlines I've gotten piling up on my desk, I can't afford to lose track of things over silly little errands and minor details. I've certainly got money budgeted for the extra help; it's simply a matter of finding someone qualified that I can trust with my own home.

Then there's also the fact that one of my recent clients is a walking nightmare, and if it weren't for the damn tabloids and over-emphasized scandals, I'd air his name out. Kanye, you are on my hit list if there ever was one.

In a nutshell, if there is anyone out there interested in the interior design industry, do let me know. Or if there's anyone with secretarial experience looking for a similar employment, I'd think about that as well.




I do not recommend suffocating in space. I don't recommend that at all.




I really need to stop talking to people who haven't dreamed. Is there a filter setting for that? Maybe I could make a hack. I could be like xKit guy, except for Valarnet.

In other, dream-related news, I now have a phases of the moon tracking app.

The full moon is next Monday, FYI. Take the necessary precautions, people.




And I thought Japan was fucked up. This town is losing its goddamn marbles.




ever stop and think that necromancy is a form of recycling?



[Private to Friends]

Daisy's birthday breakfast is set for 10 on Saturday morning, September 6. I have reserved a section of the restaurant at the base of the Paradise Pier hotel, where the characters come out and greet the guests. I have paid for the buffet breakfast for all of you, so please come hungry. It's all you can eat. There will be fun activities for the kids with Mickey, Minnie and the rest of the gang.

Then you're welcome to join us in Disneyland. Daisy and I have annual passes, so we won't be purchasing tickets. If you want tickets I suggest you get them ahead of time. The lines will likely be long. The three of us will likely be in the park from noon until closing.

Please let me know if you are still planning on attending.




Is anyone watching the movie about Houdini on The History Channel? It's interesting, to say the least. I think I would find it more appealing if it weren't for the fact as a Warlock, I could do these things with actual magic.




I still can't quite believe I'm 18 now!

I had a wonderful birthday yesterday and I start my course next week. Things are going pretty well. I've also been dream free for a little while now, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or if it just means I'm due a load of them.