
August 18th, 2014




[Agency message]
We won't be in today. Athos' home was damaged in that spike quake. He's injured.

[Filtered to Musketeers]
We lost the house. Athos is injured, for now we're at a hotel I guess.

[Friends filter]

That was Athos's place on the news. We're both okay as can be, staying at a hotel for now.

[Filtered to Remy]
Need a raincheck.




I wish I was like my friends in my dreams.

No, really, I do. A broken foot is no joke and they can heal it while they sleep. Jerks.

If anyone's cars have been damaged in this recent spree of... madness, if you make an appointment here or mention the network, I've got you covered.




I'm not leaving my room for a few days. Peeta and I broke up.




It's just occurred to me that I've never, in all my years of living here, actually been to Disneyland.

Yes yes, I know, an absolute crime against humanity, but I have no children, and previously had no friends with children, and so I never found a reason to.

Dare I ask what to expect?




It appears as though my company's building suffered the same sort of attacks as many others. Nothing too serious, but a lot of shattered glass and ice damage.

Lina Inverse

When I asked you to deal with the competition, I assumed that you knew which building was theirs and which was mine