
August 11th, 2014




A picture meant to be private has become public, but I won't let it bother me. The human body, any human body, is a beautiful thing. Or elvish body in this case, of course. I will not be shamed.

It is not as though I've not danced skyclad in the woods before.




Anyone know if it's safe to send Text Messages again? I have family members waiting for baby pics, and I don't really want to send those to a stranger.




So instead of dealing with boxes (Yes, I am avoiding them) I went outside. I swear I didn't jump the time the big truck rolled by or the Humvee driven by idiot kids came too close I brought along my camera, of course. I got a lot of good photos, I think. Maybe. I suppose I'll see later. I just wandered because when I'm not feeling quite right that seems to help.

Cut for photo, not filtered, edited to have 2 photos! huzzah )




Damn. I missed a trick. With all these weird texts going around it makes me wish I'd taken a naked pic of myself and tried to send it to someone ;)


I think I'm just going to start verbally hashtagging everything I say just because that seems to annoy people and that sounds like a spectacular idea.





For many reasons that I don't particularly wish to get into, I am going to pretend that last night never happened.

I suggest anyone in my life do the same.



RIP one of the greats.

Good to see that alongside coverage of Robin Williams' death, there is an equal amount of coverage about suicide prevention and getting rid of the cultural stigma attached to mental health and depression.

If you think you don't matter, you do.

Depression is a fucking liar.

Don't be ashamed to talk to someone.




RIP Robin Williams. What a shock.

I'll have to marathon in his honor.


So I know I've been radio silent for a while, but there's a good reason for that, I swear.

Meet Captain, my new service dog. It took a lot of paperwork and a lot more training for me than her, but I've had her for a week now, and it's been working out great. I've never had a pet before, I didn't realize how much it would help.

I've had a couple weird dreams lately, too, I guess, but I can just put that down to the stress of getting Cap, I think.

Your ma's still alive, right? I didn't miss anything while I was working on getting my dog?




Wow. Talk about a seriously spooky set of dreams.

Though I did get this amazing pocket watch. It belonged to my dad in the dreams. Huh.




Dieu, getting out of rehearsal was chaotic with what happened.

I just hope the families can somehow find some peace. It's horrible what happened.




Go home, Siri, you're drunk.

Everytime I ask Siri for directions lately, she tells me that she can't get me directions in India. Yeah, pretty sure I've still been looking for directions in California.




Not to be a killjoy, but.

Is it me, or does the news report about the two bodies being drained of blood scream "vampire"?




I do not want to get into the details of trying to explain this, because half of you would not believe me and it isn't really a story for general audiences.

But the bodies on the news were killed by a vampire that I sired a few months ago. Tracking him has taken me the better part of a month, and I miss him every time. He has gotten very fast. But I will catch him eventually.

The other vampires in this community are not to blame and shouldn't be punished.