
July 28th, 2014




So, I've been thinking that I wanna go play paintball. Anyone else interested? It'd have to be a weekend cause I work and have an internship during the week, but I figure that'd probably be the better time for most people.

I'm looking at you, Annabeth. Unless Audrey won't give you the day off, I expect you to be my co-captain. Hey, Parker, you too.

When I woke up this morning, the three pearls from my dreams that caused us to leave the Underworld were on my nightstand. I wonder why I didn't get them back when I had that dream and instead got them weeks later. I'm not really sure what to do with them since you can only use them once.




[Failed block from Athos, D'Artagnan, Porthos and Elizabeth Comstock. Post is viewable and open to everyone.]

I'm suddenly forced to face the fact that, against my better judgment, I've gone and fallen in love.

What a way to start a Monday.




Saw the second Purge movie last night.

America, don't ever, ever get any ideas from this movie. Seriously.





I'm almost afraid to say it, for fear of jinxing it, but I realized that it's been a couple of months now since anything strange has happened. I almost don't know what to do with normal anymore.




I don't know what to do with myself with the whole summer off. Besides semi-frequent beach trips, the occasional movie. I'm going to have to pick something completely random I think. Shake things up.


Summer is nearly over and I feel like I've really not done anything at all with it..

Moving sucks.