
July 11th, 2014




So it turns out that my dreams take place in the 80s. I'm talking about the early 80s man. The big hair, the crazy clothes, the music (okay a bunch of music from the 80s is still good stuff). Seems I'm the same age there as I am here, and I own an arcade, just like I have in Vegas. Same name too, "Flynn's". Only this one's crammed with purely 80s stuff.

Seems I'd just gotten fired from the most prestigious tech company around and it's called, (drumroll please): ENCOM. Except my family didn't start it or own it. Some d-bag half bit fellow programmer stole a bunch of games I was creating on the side at my terminal at work, then presents them to ENCOM as HIS creations, and he gets promoted while I get a boot to the ass.

And of course it gets weirder. Me, Lora my ex-girlfriend (from college here and apparently the dreams) and her new boyfriend Alan all decide to break into ENCOM so I can hack the system directly and prove that this Dillinger guy stole my work so I can get my job back. Or reputation. Or both. All seems cool until apparently the computer starts talking to me - like HAL 3000 only with a British accent. It gets pissed off when I enter some halt and catch fire type code and zaps me with something and suddenly I'm somewhere else. A world that's dark with a lot of glowy lines and guards in funky clothes calling everyone "program". I had a feeling I was trapped inside a computer and now I know I was.

I get corralled with a bunch of other programs and trained for "The Games". Whatever that is. Apparently some of these programs have very puntastic names, like RAM. Oh and I meet Alan's program TRON that we were trying to use on the other side of the screen to find my missing data. TRON looks EXACTLY like Alan. I wonder if my CLU program hadn't been destroyed if he'd looked like me if I met him. It. Ugh. I need an aspirin.




While I do not think that PTSD is something that should be made fun of...I was rather amused by this 'cartoon.'


Warning: Cute animal critters that kill each other...also, known as Happy Tree Friends. Not for the faint of heart.