
June 18th, 2014




This morning I woke up to find a violin case at the foot of my bed. Anyone who knows me, knows that I've tried multiple times to play an instrument and I simply don't have the talent. However, my dream self is extremely skilled at playing the violin, so I wasn't exactly surprised to see it show up. It's a beautiful instrument and should be an antique, but it's practically new. Even knowing that I would most likely fail at attempting to play it, I had to see if there was a chance that my ability to play in the dreams bled over like my illness has.

And it did. I can now play the violin.




Apparently my dream self is a master dinosaur wrangler.

Dream me is much more adventurous than real me.

[Jack Harkness]

I dreamed meeting you. It seems so weird considering I've never met you in real life




My sister Marguerite has said this is a good place to meet people, and I suppose I need new friends since most of mine are...not here. My name is Armand St. Just and I've just moved back to California a week or so ago. I'll be a student at UCLA studying philosophy, and I've been at Harvard the last three years, so it will be interesting. I'm still trying to get moved into my new apartment, but I figured I would see what the people in the area are like. So...hi.




What a miserable day.

I was hoping Spain would cheer things up for me, but apparently the entire Spanish team has forgotten how to actually play the game of football and now have to return home with their tails between their legs.

More dreams, of course. The musket and dagger are all right, and D'Artagnan's finally become one of us officially. It ought to be cause for celebration but the rest of the it just made me feel too jealous for my own good not my best. And of course there's nothing quite like dreaming a version of the girl you were supposed to marry once upon a time, only to find out that in the dreams she never really wanted to have a family with you after all and purposely disappeared. Then dreaming of her dying in your arms as she fought to defend her convent and her queen.

Oh, yes, and then I slept with the queen of France. So there's all that, then.




I have no idea what THIS is really, but I totally signed up for it. I made a team called Valar if anyone else wants to join me.

I've also never been to a baseball stadium before, so this could be cool (even though they're not playing)!




I've been sleeping all day. And I woke up with white hair.

Like, all white. Woke up from a dream where I saved the world (whoo!) and defeated a dark lord named after my old boss, imagine that with a black magic spell, combined with this light-saberish weapon called the Sword of Light. Took so much out of me my hair turned white from all the energy drainage in my dream.

probably explains why today's been lazy

I feel like there's no point in doing hallucinogens in the OC when you have these dreams. Seriously.


I'm gonna order pizza and chinese food. If anyone feels like coming over, let me know. And don't judge my old lady hair. This better not be permanent, damnit.