
April 11th, 2014




Has anyone else seen this video? It's dogs not able to pass cats. It's the funniest and most adorable video I've seen in awhile. I don't understand why the dogs won't pass the cats, but I'm almost glad they won't otherwise we wouldn't have this video.

Also, we're holding a clothes and food drive this weekend at the shelter. We're still looking for volunteers to help out and if anyone wants to come down and donate anything, we'd greatly appreciate it.




I'm somewhat new to the area, and am looking for a really good burger. Any suggestions?



[obviously, not for non-canon puncturable Marvel folk]

This is a little weird for me. Awesome? But also a little weird.




Some kid tried to kick Samus, so I picked him up and made him promise not to ever hurt another animal or I'll tell my uncle that he's been bad.

I might have also convinced him that the monster under his bed is my uncle. I either turned that kid away from being a serial killer or pushed him toward it way faster.

Oh well.




So this little ball of fur is called Leroy Jenkins.

Cut for Image, Open to All )



May be TW for child abuse in the comments.

The warmer weather's nice and all, but at the same time, it means people either look at me funny when I wear long sleeved shirts or look at me funny because of my dream scars. Yay.