
March 7th, 2014




I'd say just once I wish the bad guys would stop when I told them to, but I think I'd be lying. Only problem now is I'm wide awake and my shift is in five hours. Again.


Aah. It was my birthday tiday/yestdreday.

I wnet to bar. was good. lottsa fun!




Dreams, dreams, dreams.

It's funny that I really don't feel very rested after another dose of All My Vampires.

My brother pulled one of the best moves yet by stealing coffins as a neat little revenge move against the in-laws. (Kol, Finn, Elijah, and Mummy dearest are all in them.) Klaus was a little pissed. Stefan said "To be the villain, you have to be the better villain". Bro, you are my new hero. Klaus plans on offing me if he doesn't get the coffins. I don't see that happening, but he did compel Jeremy to stand in the street in front of an SUV. That didn't work either, thanks to Ric pushing him out of the way and taking the hit. He came back thanks to a ring. I think something is wrong in the land of Ric later though. Dream me doesn't quite see it, but I do. Too bad I have zero input.

So here is the rest. I compelled Jeremy off to Denver for his safety. I also kissed my future girl on the steps of her house. Sorry, not sorry, Bro. I'm taking her. So we did fight later and she told me I cared too much, and then I did something - . Let's just say, I'm getting punched for this later. However, I also met the rest of my in-laws after Klaus got his coffins. I did unstake Elijah before handing them over, knowing he would be pretty pissed off about being put in vampire time out. Kol, you were a dick, so I had to give your neck a little snap. Caroline, sorry about your dad. Stefan, Elijah, Klaus, and I at dinner was an epic awkward moment. Stefan, you really didn't have to snap mine though, you know. I still think Elena talking to mommie dearest was a bad idea. Thus the thing I'm getting punched for later.




Mall food courts at lunch. Bad idea.




Has anyone seen Frodo since the ash went away?

Locked to X-Men

Another day, another dream. I woke up and actively went looking for Sentinels outside my house last night, it felt that real. Then I remembered it was a dream, and it would have made me angry if I hadn't realized that it was pushing the story forward. That's good - the only way I can get myself back to ... well, myself ... is to see what happens next.

Though I will say for the record, if this woman ever shows up here for real, that I am going to smack her for getting a boob job that throws my balance this far off. Walking around my house, I look like I'm drunk.




My dreams keep getting curiouser and curiouser. If I didn't know better I'd say I was stark raving mad, but my father quite enjoyed the stories I was telling him and encouraged me to keep up with my imaginationing. At least until he passed, which was depressing.

And then mother tried to surprise me with an engagement party to this sniveling little boy of a man.




I am officially obsessed with Buzzfeed quizzes. I even take the super ridiculous ones. Like what sort of cheese am I!

I'm mozzarella. At first I wasn't sure how I felt about that, but I guess it's not such a bad cheese to be. I mean, who DOESN'T like mozzarella? And what DOESN'T mozzarella go with, let's all be honest.

Please everyone go take this quiz. You know you're curious.




Completely unsure of how to process last night's dream in which my husband (here, not in the dreams) attempted to purchase me a companion of the sexual persuasion.

She screamed and slapped me when I told her it wasn't her fault her father left (he just didn't like his job at the post office). Apparently, being sympathetic isn't something you are meant to do at brothels?

I'm relieved nothing happened, although I'm sure she was a very nice woman.




Things in life have calmed down for me somewhat, and as a result, I got an idea the other day to do something I haven't done in ages: archery. I love shooting, and I always have. I have a beautiful hunting bow that was a gift from my Da, but I also got a bow from my dreams - an absolutely stunning longbow that feels like it's been in the Starkhaven family for generations. I'd like to try it out.

Anyone have access to a range? Stark Industries doesn't have one, does it?