
February 10th, 2014



I grew up in the Soviet system. For many years I wanted nothing more than to be a good little Communist. I was proud of where I came from, and I am proud of my new home country, America. But I grow very tired of the jokes, the "Red" and "Communist" humor, and joking that the athletes have "earned extra food for their districts" by doing well.

We are a civilized society - or we would be if we treated everyone equally. I find those laws disgusting and barbaric; all the negative publicity in that regard is utterly deserved. But if I hear one more comment about how the man responsible for the rings mishap was "found dead", or that the gold medal will be "melted down and shared with the collective", I may shoot out my television.




With chills and hot flashes, my cold has officially gotten worse. I think it may actually be the flu. I am under full quarantine in my den.




When I was growing up I never went on what people think of when they say 'vacation'. Siam and I traveled around a lot, but we camped and we trained, like soldiers. Every place we went to was considered a new war zone. When he died, I kept the tradition of traveling around up. And the training, too. I think I convinced myself that not taking a vacation was a way to keep his memory alive.

That's just silly. This vacation I'm on with Motoko has been wonderful so far. It's actually nice to get away from everything with someone you care about and just relax. I'm actually enjoying myself. I might even be sad when we have to come home.




This time last year, I was in a very bad place. I won't get into details over how bad a place it was, but it was so far down that it's had a pretty profound effect on my life for the last year. I ran away from my life and these dreams and the powers the dreams gave me... pretty much escaped to alcohol and in the end even some drugs.

When I realised how bad it was, and that I'd run away from every single person who could have helped me, I only had one person left to turn to.

That man was Urdnot Wrex. He funded my way through rehab and gave me a job when I moved back. He was my sponsor, and my friend, and a large part of my support system. Now that he's moved on to other things, it's up to people like me to take on that mantle. So here we go:

When Urdnot Ranch was rebuilt last year, its focus was not just to help at-risk children realise they could make better choices. Urdnot Ranch is also an outreach center for any dreamers, like me, who are having a time handling the dreams and powers/magic/etc they might be getting from them. We have counselors, we have people who can help train you, we have some extra beds if you need a place to stay, we have many other ways we can help you.

The only thing Wrex ever asked of me was that I pay it forward by volunteering at the ranch and helping other people. If your life is bringing you so far down that you need help climbing out of it, please come to us. We'll do what we can to get you through this, and there really is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you.



[Filtered Away from Elena Gilbert, Damon Salvatore and Samandriel]

I just don't understand how my sister can't see what everyone else sees when they look at Damon. how she can't see that he's a bad person. He's manipulative and he's pretty much confirmed that he will probably end up exactly like he is in the dreams, which is a cold blooded killer. He's already threatened me in real life and broken my neck in the dreams cause he was upset that Elena didn't want him. He cheated on her with one of her friends and she's just gonna take him back. It pisses me off cause she's just leaving herself open to being hurt again. At least she agreed not to invite him over when we get an apartment. She still deserves so much better than him.




All right, here is the official update, re: swim meet + recital.

The long and short of it is - I DID IT. \o/

I wasn't really sure I'd have enough time. My team came in second place over all for the relay, which I'm sooo excited about since it was my first meet and everything, and I literally had just enough time to throw myself together and book it to the recital hall. Daddy never suspected a thing about how I was almost late. :) It all went off without a hitch.


Now I'm bummed cause it's the week and that means school, school, school.




Well. These are just delightful.

(I suppose I should put a warning that while not really vulgar or anything, it will lead your mind to terrible and hilarious places.)




I have to say, those Old Spice commercials with the mothers are hilarious. Every time I see it, it makes me laugh. I may like it more than the previous Old Spice commercial with the Old Spice guy.