
January 29th, 2014




Now that I'm back in California and more or less settled in, I think it's time to set up shop again.

For those of you who are new, or have poor memories, my rates are as follows:

Sixty dollars an hour ($60/hr) for private lessons
Seventy five dollars an hour ($75/hr) for advanced techniques (ie: anything in the range of operatic)
Seventy five dollars an hour ($75/hr) for piano and/or organ lessons

Young master Frobisher, if you want your old job back, it's open to you.




Darlings, you're proving more intriguing than I could have hoped! You have so many stories to share.




So, this is Orange County. I've only ever been here once before, briefly, and I don't remember a lot about it. It seems like a good place. Everyone here is nice enough, but, people usually are when they're trying to make an impression on someone new.

Still, someone recommended I try out this Network, and, admittedly, as a new business owner it'd be foolish for me to pass up a chance to drum up some clientele. Please forgive the shameless promotion. My name is Edmond Dantès, and I recently opened up my tattoo shop, Monte Cristo, in Santa Ana. There are three of us there, and right now we're taking appointments and walk-ins. You can see our portfolios on our website, if you're interested. And I hope some of you are.

I can't really think of much more to say beyond that.




This board is really good for inspiration! I've got three plot ideas already. You guys are incredible.




Caspian once taped a sign like this to our door when we were at school. I didn't notice until the next morning and he thought it was rather hilarious. I wasn't as amused.

Cut For Size - Viewable to All. Slightly NWS )




In two days my daughter Christina will be 3 months old. 3 months old! I still feel like I'm not sleeping, like I'm struggling to do anything besides care for her. Laundry is piling up, dishes, cleaning... though my amazing roommate is absolutely wonderful and helps with everything!

I haven't seen my friends as much as I used to. I feel isolated. I miss my old life. And you have no idea how much guilt that brings up in me, just thinking it.




So, I still have the robes that my grandfather dressed me in before trying to ritually sacrifice me. Uni here has far fewer toga parties than I was led to believe by telly, so I've not used it yet.

I wonder if it's worth keeping.