
January 8th, 2014




Update on the Christmas cookies: Still drowning in them.

I think we ended up making about a gross of them, between myself, my wife, and the girls. We have about three dozen left and we don't want to see them anymore.

Any takers? My nephew does deliveries.




For Christmas, I received a calender where each day is a wafer of pressed tea. When the day is done you pull it off and have a nice cuppa before bed. Or you could do it to start your day, I suppose.

A week in, I have to say this tea is fantastic. And my kitchen smells of tea leaves.

Perfect gift.




Because I need a head count for my own, personal reasons... raise your hand if you've had a Dream, and if you're acquainted with me in said Dream.




Apparently I've been invited to compete at the European Grand Prix event in Bulgaria this June. Normally I wouldn't put things like that here, but it seems pointless to have an account and not use it.

I suppose I'll go. It's really my only chance to compete for the year, unless I go to the world championships. It might do well to keep in practice so I can maintain a strong standing come 2015.

Tauriel, now we'll have to go to the range some time.



Locked from non-puncturable Who!People.

So we're all sort of nesting and getting animals, right? (I TOTALLY BLAME YOU, ANAKIN!) Well, consider me +1 on the bandwagon. I went to the shelter and found this little guy staring at me.

Cut for image, viewable to all. )




My brother thinks he's so funny. When my family was visiting at Christmas, the night we all went to dinner with Mickey, Leo decided to give Mickey the "Brother Talk", which is funny, because I'm older than Leo, but anyway, so Leo texts me randomly today saying he was just checking in to make sure Mickey was still behaving himself and to let him know if he wasn't so he could mess him up. What a goober.




Okay, is everyone in my dreams mentally defective? It's weird, because I'm not always in my dreams. A lot of times I'm reading this book and watching other people's lives through their eyes.

So far, I've been a Roman centurion who, after stumbling upon five pillars in the desert and hearing them moan his name, decided to approach them. Protip: if you hear random objects of an ominous shape calling your name in the desert, don't head toward them. You will turn into a lich and eternally serve dark eldrictchian horrors.

I've also been a Cambodian dancer who whined about wanting a more exciting life about twenty minutes before she had an elder god's heart put into her chest. Oh, and Charlemange? He died because Xel'lotath ordered it. My dream great-grandfather found out that there's an entire city of the dark eldritchian horrors under our family manor in New Hampshire. Kinda went batshit and got locked up in a sanitarium.

Oh, and I can still do friggin' magic. I think I might need Xanax, but I can fix anything by asking an elder god to do it. So there's that.

How's your 2014 going?




Being human again was nice while it lasted. I suppose it is good I am what I am, though: it means I can protect my mama and papa and Athelstan all the better.

I am trying to see the bright side of a very dark situation.




It's only been about three days, but I can already say that having a student teacher is kind of nice. I've never had one before and I wasn't sure how it'd work, but my students already love Valerie Ms. Frizzle. I've heard some horror stories about student teachers so I'm glad I got one that's 100% committed to what she's doing.


I know some of you feel me on this.

[public cut here with image] )