
November 11th, 2013




Soon. Watching things come together with great glee.




Who wants to go drinking? First round's on me.




Candidly, I must admit being married isn't much different than being engaged. I think it suits me, thank you.

Now, to decide how I feel about hyphenated last names before I sit down with paperwork.




Does anyone have a connection on one of the bigger local papers or knows of any gigs?

If I have to write another traffic-related story, I'll scream.




I'm bored.

Someone should fix that.




Ugh, Mondays. Now that I'm actually working once again it's hard to be motivated on a Monday morning. And it certainly doesn't help that I got hit with a case of the dreams again.

Has anyone had really big time gaps between their dreams? It's been 10 years between my dreams apparently. Thankfully I have her memories about what happened in the gap despite not having dreams about them. I stepped down as Queen and I'm now a Senator just like my dad for Naboo. But apparently times are still dangerous because my dreams started off with one of my decoys being blown up in an assassination attempt once we landed our ships in Coruscant. I'm tired of crying for people - I wish they wouldn't die. I feel so guilty that this stuff keeps happening.

At least I was able to speak to the Jedi Council and Chancellor Palpatine and Obi-Wan and Anakin are back as well and they've been assigned to watch over me. It's strange seeing how much they've changed since I see them here all the time, but it's been 10 years for my dream self. Anakin now looks like he does here and I know her feelings are starting to get a little confused

It's almost like I haven't slept at all and I'm ready to go back to sleep. But alas, work calls.




Well that... was interesting. Let's not repeat that, hmm? I suppose I finally had one of those Dreams. How dreadful.


So say you accidentally burned through some drywall and a stud or two with a lightsaber. Does anyone know if that would be easy to repair or if I should just take the hit and accept that I will never get my deposit back.

You know what, I don't even care. I had a very pleasant dream and woke up with a lightsaber. This is an awesome day.

I think I might swing down to the grocery store, pick up some fruit. Anybody want to come play an awesome version of fruit ninja with me?




Instead of going to the bar, like ah usually do when bored, ah actually stayed in. It was terrifying. Ah tucked myself up in mah room with a book. Who knew?!

Raven, never let me do that again.

Ah learned ah'm much more suited to action than loungin' bout.




No school today because of Veteran's Day! I love a three day weekend! I think I might take advantage of the extra day off to get in a little time with my PSP.




I shouldn't have had that brie before bed last night, gave me weird dreams. Like 'springing fully grown from a mix of sea foam and freshly removed dangly bits of a god, only to make it to land to be nearly sexually assaulted by somebody who looked like cousin Zachary' sort of dreams. At least I hope it was the cheese and not one of those kind of dreams like everybody else has been having.




I've been harvesting some really first rate artichokes this fall.

It's funny. When I work the market, people say they love artichokes, but it seems like no one knows how to cook them. Here is my fool-proof recipe. (I mean, I can make them, and I can't cook.)

Artichokes, With Lemon and Butter Dip )
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That was the most awkward board meeting I've ever experienced. We're not even supposed to be open today, we held this meeting especially for these people and I'm fairly certain we won't be acquiring their assets as easily as we'd hoped.

I've given myself the rest of the day off to deal with the disappointment and surprise of the day. I think a trip to the park is in order.




Well, that was quite the assault on my subconscience. I lost count of the number of dreams I had last night. They went back to London in 1878 with Tessa and Will. I apparently took great pleasure in flirting with Will, which shocked him quite a bit since I was dating Camille at the time, not to mention, it wasn't exactly a time when men would openly flirt with other men, but I never seemed to care about social norms. Anyway, Will is a very complicated young man. Or at least he tries very hard to come off that way. He was clearly in love with Tessa, who was apparently his best friend's fiancée. After I caught them kissing at one of Benedict Lightwood's parties, Will ran off after a demon then showed up at my house later on babbling about a curse. He passed out, Camille finally came home from wherever in the world she'd gone. I was so angry at her for disappearing that I pretended Will and I were dating. That certainly shocked them both. After that I went to stay with another friend, who oddly enough is another of my real life exes. First Camille then Scott. How strange.

I can tell that's not the end of this particular timeline. I'm curious to see what will happen next. But right now I must feed Chairman Meow or he will never leave me alone.




As if I didn't already have my foot in my mouth enough.




I can tell it could be a potentially disastrous week. Apparently people have taken to saying what's on their minds? While I can't argue with the merit of honesty, perhaps taking it to the point where work-place fights are starting might be a bit much. Maybe a proper vacation is in order soon.


Any body good at online research? And I don't just mean sticking a term in google and see what comes out. I mean proper in-depth research.




Had more dreams last night. So, now not only am I Queen's ward, but he's also been training me. Pretty cool, right? It gets better. He makes me his sidekick, Speedy, because I was super fast with a bow and arrow. Then I joined a team of other teenaged sidekicks called the Teen Titans. That was pretty cool for awhile until we disbanded. But during that time I had a girlfriend, Donna, who was also a member. We broke up around the time the Teen Titans disbanded though, so that sucked. Also, Brave Bow, the medicine man who had raised me after my father died, passed away. So that part sucked too.

All in all, my dreams haven't been so bad. I mean, I'm a super hero. How can it be bad?

The craziest part was that when I opened my closet this morning my Speedy costume, from the dreams was in there. It's almost like a red and yellow Robin Hood costume. Too small for me to actually wear. Looks like it would have fit me when I was seventeen though.

Of course now I want to go out and buy a bow and arrow. Anyone know any good places to get one? Hunting store? I'm not really sure.




It's tough enough, having to attend a military ceremony, where veterans are being honored, but then I get phone calls from tons of people...who aren't that social with me...wanting to thank me for all that I did for our country. I think I'm going to turn my phone off now and just have a few drinks.

Don't get me wrong, as a veteran, I understand the importance of today...but I could do without all the calls from people that ignore me for the rest of the year...you know?




Wow, okay, so my pothead roomie just asked me if I minded if he smoked while I was doing my homework cause for whatever reason he didn't want to go outside or something and I told him that I did mind, because it makes the room smell awful and it makes my stuff smell awful and I didn't need a contact high right now. He looked at me for a minute then was just like, 'No problem, Perce. Why didn't you say anything before.' Have you ever just wanted to facepalm so hard? That was me just now. So, I guess this whole truth whatever isn't that bad. I know I'm gonna regret saying that later.




Private to Harry Dresden
I'm utter shit at approaching anyone for help.
But I'll ask now, since you offered.

And I hate asking.
But I realized something today the Military might not want to keep me if things keep going and I change into something I'm not. Or whatever happens in this freaking place.




Oh god. Ah need ta keep my damn fool mouth shut. Ah'm hiding in mah room. Ah almost got my ass arrested.




I don't like this. Telling the truth is not in my nature.




Oh, wow, look how far we've come, OC. I don't think we had anything like this when I was a kid.

Hey, I'm Seth, and yeah, my parents are famous but shhh. Don't make them get bigger heads. (Just thought I'd get all of that out there before anyone asked.) I just got back home from Monaco, and ugh, jet lag is killing me.


Okay, look. We live in California, it is not that cold where you need a damn parka. Are you going to climb Everest after you hit up Jamba Juice? Also: just say no to Uggs. Always.

Hi, OC. I'm Ling Bu, and I just moved home. I missed it here.




So as I'm walking around my class today, I realize that I have very little brain to mouth filter, and I'm spewing nothing but the truth like word vomit.

Now as I'm spewing my guts out, I'm just going to say that the prospect of death is not making me very happy. Really, does anyone want to wake up after a night of dreams to a non-beating heart. I don't want to die. I'm not afraid of it. I mean some of the immortality shit is very cool, but the trade offs are pretty high.

I guess it's like a karmic fuck you, that this is all happening when my life is going well.


Anyone in the Santa Ana area, have you seen Lydia Martin? She's about 5'3", has strawberry blonde hair. I got a call from her parents today that she's missing. I tried calling her cell and a few friends I know she'd usually be with, but I got nothing.

If you see her, please let me know, tell her we're worried and have been looking for her. I was out all day, but figured I'd drop a line here, too. Thanks.