
October 17th, 2013




So rehearsals have started for Romeo and Juliet. I didn't get the lead, but I did get Mercutio, so I'm happy with that. And also a little weirded out, since that's what happened in my dream? Maybe it was just meant to be.

In other news, still no idea what to be for Halloween, but I'm open to suggestions. Some of the theatre kids are having a party, and theatre kids get pretty hard core about costumes.




Well the other night I had one of those Dreams people keep talking about. Threw me for quite the loop, I admit. but it lead to a wonderful morning, and then a great weekend... but details I'm curious to see if I'll get any more or not. It was such a sad, melancholy start, though...


There are too many people in my dream, I can't possibly keep track of them all. I did meet an interesting woman who I think is going to be important though.

Of course she could be dead the next time I dream, with how weird these things turn up.

You said your last name is Stark, yes? Your mother is Catelyn?




Hello, everyone! Konnichiwa!

I'm Yuki Cross, guess I should introduce myself! Not really sure what things are like at school here in America, but back in Japan I was...hmm, what's the word in English? A guardian, I think! I was a guardian of my school. I'm starting school next term after Christmas so I have some time to get used to being here.

Nice to meet everyone, I guess! I just moved yesterday, so I'm still pretty new, and someone mentioned this to me before!




Since I am to rest for a bit longer before I go truly exploring this place, I have decided to join this network I discovered earlier. It will entertain me until I am able to get back to my own career and enjoy all that this place has to offer.

That being said, Kon'nichiwa, I am Setsuna Meioh.




That dream was horrible, I need a drink.




Okay, so everyone's on about Halloween right now. Question: is it tacky to go as myself? I mean, my dream self. It'd just be easier than standing around staring at endless costumes, trying to figure out what to wear. I think, anyway.




Are the holidays over yet? I'm already tired of it all.




You know...I miss the days when the night shift was nice and quiet. Some idiots are having Halloween too early for my liking. I had three drunk frat boys come in bloody and banged up because they tried to FLY like Superman. The culprit? One too many candy corn cocktails.




Bloody fucking Christ. I take back any and all fucking curiosity about those dreams.

Never again.




Did I really just see a commercial for a phone watch? That's kind of cool actually. I could use one of those if I went into the crime fighting business.


I'm beginning to wonder how this place isn't swarming with men in black suits taking in everyone who's had one of these dreams. I know I've only scratched the surface and-

You don't see things that are right in front of you. I see it all the time in my clients, but I never thought to ask why someone would bother to dye their eyelashes. I wonder what else I've seen and rationalized away, and how close to disaster all the dreamers really are.

It's funny think that people who've had these dreams call themselves that. It feels like everyone else must just be in a dead sleep not to notice them.

I apologize for rambling, but I feel like this is a sentiment other people might share.




Woke up to a fluffy white cat butt in my face this morning.

This is gonna take some getting used to. or a lock on the bedroom door




So, for Halloween, we just dress up in costumes and act like slags? Is that it? I have no idea where even to start with costumes.




I'm alive. I have a lot of scars and one giant one on my stomach. Guess I'll never be in a bikini again. Or have a boyfriend.

Dreams officially suck, and I want them to stop.


Trigger warning: rant against rapists and rape culture underneath. )




First dates are absolutely hellish and I hope I never go on such a terrible one ever, ever again. I think I know everything about this woman's cats and the cats' bowel habits.