
September 29th, 2013




It's times like these that I am so grateful for all that I have. I very nearly lost my daughter recently, but she is alive and well and I couldn't be happier.

It makes me realize what a short time I've had with her, and how rich these past few years have been. I did not realize what I was missing until she came into my life. I would not give up a moment of that.

I suppose I'm a little nostalgic, due to recent events and the closeness of her eighteenth birthday. Thank you for indulging me.




I'm homeless. God bless America, the medical bills for my hand ate up my savings and now I'm gone, baby, gone. Son of a bitch, they didn't even give me any real notice. Landlord said I was a 'problem tenant' and he was glad to be rid of me. I broke his nose.

Anybody got a couch I can crash on? I'm a shitty roommate but I'm drug-free.


Ok, so now I want a pet Red Panda!





I forgot how annoying living with cats can be. They keep moving things. I'm going to start taping the things on the mantel down so they don't get knocked off. Bloody beasts will learn to respect my knick knacks!


Here's something odd.

Well, I guess it isn't odd but it did surprise me a little.

I came home the other day to find a cat sitting in front of my door. Now, I live in an apartment building, so I thought maybe it was the cat of one of my neighbours down the hall. But after knocking on some doors and asking around, no one seems to have seen him before. No one is sure how he got in.

He's staying with me until I find his owner, I guess. I mean, I can't just leave him in the hallway.

I'm going to put up posters, but if you've seen this cat around and you know who he belongs to, let me know?

He's a very handsome cat, as you can see. I'm hesitant to name him, in case he belongs to someone.




It's hard to believe that I've already been out here for over two weeks. I've been so busy catching up and getting settled in that the time has simply flown by. I'll admit, I haven't seen much outside of my school and Jubilee & Laura's house. I may need to act like a tourist soon. My mother wants a picture of te Hollywood sign. I've told her that I'm not as close to Hollywood as she thinks, but she insists.