
July 13th, 2013



Gala Evening Invitation

Ladies and Gentlemen of ValarNet!

Come one! Come all to the Gala evening at Baxter Bakery tomorrow night! Come and sample the amazing baking skills of Audrey and her staff and you'll never go back!

Hope to see you there!
Vala x




I really don't think I could write anything quite as weird as the past few weeks have been. Fortunately, I haven't seen anything that is specific to my genre.




Sometimes the biggest steps seem smallest. Moving someone in for you seems on the surface to be a small one, but it's quite big. You're changing the way you live, and they're entering into a wholly new situation and place.

But I think it's worth it, to build upon that bond.

I just hope my constant singing doesn't drive her nuts.




I took an interesting call this morning from my employer. They've assigned me to local operations for the foreseeable future. I suppose there's enough interest here for longer term investment. I don't really mind. I like the weather.



network post: claire danvers

July is shaping up to be a really weird month.



network post: niklaus mikaelson

I guess I was about due for another one of those dreams. I'll admit, it was pretty cool that I could compel Katherine to do anything I wanted. Wouldn't it be nice if I could
do that? And I did get a sick sort of pleasure from her begging me to kill her But apparently dream-me had been chasing her for 500 years.

Also, Stefan and Damon had a daggered Elijah in their basement, what was that about?

I didn't look like me, for most of the dream, but at the end some witches did some kind of spell and then I was in my own body. Which was in a coffin.

These dreams are fucking weird, man.



network post: katherine gilbert

It seems I finally had one of those dreams everyone talks about. It was weird. My family was completely different in the dreams. And I had a baby. I was just a kid and my father made me give it up. Then he banished me to England, of all places, where I met Nik and Elijah. Nik wanted to kill me, big surprise there, but I got away.

And there were vampires. And then I turned myself into a vampire, because I was only useful to Nik as a human. He got even by killing my whole family. And I've been hungry all day, even though I keep eating. What the hell?




Had a weird dream last night. We were on some kind of ship. My dad was the engineer and we were on a very long journey. Long enough that I probably wouldn't live to see it. We'd left Earth before I was conceived, even!

I want to be an engineer so badly!


So. I woke up with a dog in my room. Same as the one from my dream last night. Really weird dream. It was my eleventh birthday, but it wasn't. 'Cause I never got a dog. We just moved away. But everything else was kinda normal. BetterMore than normal.

Anyway. Guess I've got a dog now?




I appear to be the latest person to be gifted a sword from my dreams. It's actually kind of short to be a sword, but too long to be a dagger. Then again, I'm pretty short in my dreams, so I guess it suits me there. Just not here very well.




I'm not religious, but I'm pretty sure that if there is a Heaven, this is exactly what it's like.

Also, Kate says I should come up with a superhero name or something. I have no fucking idea what it would be.




My 21st birthday is coming up on Tuesday! I know a lot of people are busy right now, but I'm going to be at The White House in Laguna Beach all day on Tuesday celebrating! You'll need to be 21 or older to get in and drink so I'll be having something more all-ages next weekend, don't worry! Drop by and buy me a drink if you can!!




I'm not sure why, but I've been feeling very down lately. I'm sleeping nearly all the time and when I'm awake I wish I were asleep. It's possible it's hormone stuff because one second I'm crying then the next I'm yelling. Being a woman is so hard sometimes!


It must be that time of the month. I basically slept all day today and had one of the most elaborate dream I've ever had. It seemed to be quite a few memories all put into one night of sleeping, which has left me even more exhausted. It started out with a flashback to see Rose and I as children and probably my first run-in with an alien. Then it switched to me having a nice meal with Rose, Jack, and our Doctor before we figured out the Slitheen (an alien) we thought we had taken care of was still around. And there was a lot of awkwardness between Rose and I, which didn't end nicely. Then we get to the hardest parts of the dreams where our Doctor who changed into a new Doctor, which I wasn't expecting to happen and I know was hard on Rose. The last part of my dream was an alien invasion on Christmas with the new Doctor trying to regain his strength. Thankfully everything worked out fine, like it tends to do with the Doctor around. And all I know is that I am never buying a Christmas tree ever again.




I guess today's a popular day for dreaming. I had some more of my own, after a couple weeks of blessedly dreamless sleep. More vampires, more death. I wish I didn't have these stupid dreams. I can't believe Damon would do that. I hope Jeremy hasn't gotten that far into the dreams yet.

I don't want to think about that. Instead, let's talk about the trip to Disneyland we'd been planning! Is everyone good to go next weekend? With all the madness that's been happening, I think a trip to Disney would be good for all of us.




Christmas shopping is done, and I still had time today to fit in a float tank session! Today was an awesome day, seriously.




I'm so blessed! I've already got an interview for a job, and I found a new church, and a few places where I can help out and volunteer. I hope my good luck continues.

Maybe I could run a sober driver service for people who've had a bit too much while they're out dancing.



[TW: Discussion of Character Death]

TW: Character Death, not cut for characters, and Thea being a brat about funerals cause it's easier )

On the bright side, I've finally got that pony that I wanted since I was like three.




And now, to add insult to injury, sinus infection. This I need.

Tali, I need to go away from here. And trees. Somewhere nice. You pick.




So, my dad is trying to find out if fireworks are illegal in California normally. A neighbor up the street has been setting off fireworks for the last fifteen minutes and not just firecrackers, but those mortar ones. And we don't know if the police are just looking he other way cause of the people that live in this area aka famous people or if they just haven't been called. You would think that living here all his life, he'd know, but I guess it's just not something he's ever needed to know.