
June 22nd, 2013




So, it would appear that someone on Valarnet deserves eighteen birthday whacks today. I wonder who it could be. Oh that's right, Alyssa Hamilton.




I can't believe my parents flew in for my graduation! I had no idea. And they're staying through my birthday. I don't know what my Uncle Frodo said, but it must have worked.




God. I've missed these dreams!

No more of the girl with the Mayan tattoos, but... pretty girls in the pool, and, uh, Alice pretty much proclaiming me the center of the lesbian universe.

Might be jealous of what Bette and Tina have. Lucky women.




Consider me a member of the 'why do I keep dying in my dreams' club. Twice so far.

It's getting a little off-putting. I'm meant to be the Prince of the Earth and yet, I'm the least powerful out of all the planetary royalty. Maybe it's because I'm a guy. Not sure.




I am still completely hung over from my 23rd birthday celebration last night. I think it tripped me out when my kitten sung to me. An official Happy Birthday goes out to my favorite twins in Huntington Beach. You're legal now. Woot.

[ooc: If you are friends and family with Kol, you were invited to come celebrate with him. He had a bonefire/BBQ at the beach!]


Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes -
The dead rising from the grave!
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together -- mass hysteria!

What we mean to say is this shit is B A N A N A S. And we're goin' out of town for the weekend.

Does anyone remember when No Doubt was a ska band?
Because we sure don't.




Never been more glad that I don't have pets. Hearing animals outside talking is bad enough.

...Incidentally, I think my father in the dreams might be completely insane. Why would you give a girl in a wheelchair jewelled shoes? Silver ones, at that.




So, I'm eighteen today. Which means that I can smoke now? Because I was looking at skin mags and drinking booze yesterday and I'm going to do it today too if I so fancy. This country's so strange.




Happy birthday to me (and Katherine), happy birthday to me (and Katherine), happy birthday dear meeeeeeeeee (and Katherine), happy birthday to me (and Katherine)!

I know that's obnoxious but I couldn't help myself. I hope you'll all be coming to our party!


My cat, Scout, really does think she's a dog. She asked me why she can't poop outside today. I told her it was because she's an indoor cat, at which point she proceeded to scream CAT, WHERE? and bark rather loudly.

Should I just ... not tell her?




I got woken up today by a flock of robins on my balcony. They decided to serenade me by singing Bohemian Rhapsody. While, I enjoy that song quite a bit, I did not enjoy being woken up early on one of my few days to sleep in. Is this going to be over soon?




Damage control is the most painful thing ever.

Largely because the people behind our record label are getting a little... vocal in their displeasure about certain things. This might be a sign that things need to change.