
June 14th, 2013



Dear Police and Paramedic Types:

If a gunshot victim is in fact still breathing? Like, noticeably? The proper place for him is not here at the Sheriff's Department autopsy room. No matter how dead you "think he's gonna be". People clinging to life do usually go to the nearest emergency room. Not to the medical examiner.

Don't be this certain EMT team from Huntington Beach, people. I have enough murders on my plate without any appetizers.




France sucked. I got peed on by a poodle.


I have a question that I'm hoping this fine network can help with. Now that school is done for the semester, I've done the math and realised that I might need a summer job. I can't do much that isn't associated with campus - I do have a student visa - but I wondered if anyone, especially someone whose business is plants or nature - might need some summer help?




The blue and my biotics are back. Goddess, I'd been worried...

I think it's time I started to get out more. Dig sites aren't exactly the most sociable of places, so...




Blah blah need to get out more yadda yadda antisocial. People, who needs 'em!

... kidding.

How are you guys doing? I really should have more friends, so I figured this was a good place to start. Here's hoping I'm right!




Operation: Get That Condo I Really Want is going well.
So well, in fact, that my offer was accepted.

So. I guess now it's paperwork and signing things and stuff time.

And then, you know. Moving. And Condo owning.

Buying furniture...
Learning how to cook, in order to make that kitchen worth it...

Goodness, this is going to be stressful, isn't it.


Father's Day is tomorrow.

Luckily, for those of you who both are not on top of things, and still want to manage buying your paternal figure something of distinguished taste, my antique shop is opened late tonight. [address]

No, there isn't a sale. Discounts are hardly the way to show your love.




Damn it, I thought they'd stopped
That'll teach me to take a nap

I need a very large glass of wine and a very long bubble bath.




I started Fifth Year in my dreams last night. The Wizarding World is turning into a very dark place. Reading about Harry's brush with the Wizangamot almost makes me want to switch back to I'm intrigued to see how all of this affects Hogwarts. The Ministry and Hogwarts have historically kept a respectable distance.

In other news, I'm so incredibly thankful that my magic is back. I can't even begin to describe how relieved I am that my wand is working again.




Why would someone bomb a library? Jim, have you dreamed this?




Someone needs to take Remy out drinking. He's watching way too many bridal shows on TLC for it to be healthy for his brain.

Won't anyone help him kill those brain cells?




Hello everybody.

A colleague of mine told me about this board. It's really nothing more than a vague sense of bored curiosity that brought me here, but I must say, you all lead wonderfully absurd lives. Consider my curiosity slightly piqued.

Also, I'm Jim. How wonderful to get to know you all.




I really don't like these Dreams.




Oreo cookies are good for me because they make me drink milk.