
May 17th, 2013



[Locked from Sybil and Mary Crawley]

I think I might need some advice, but I'm not actually sure what advice I need. This seemed like the best place to ask, at any rate.

How do you reconcile your dream relationships with your real life ones? The thing is, there's a girl from my dreams and I've met her here, and in my dream world we're in love with one another. Here, she's quite a bit younger than I am and I guess I've started thinking of her as something like a little sister. But now I guess she's developed a bit of a crush.

I guess I'm worried that once she catches up in her dreams, it might - Well. I don't want her thinking she's obliged to believe she likes me, and I honestly have no idea how to gently coax her out of the notion without upsetting her too much.

Anyone out there with some wisdom to impart?


Now that I am all settled in, I suppose I should look for a job.

Do newspapers still exist have classifieds in them still, or is it mostly all done online now?




That's one benefit to a cybernetic brain. Backups when you get shot.

Now my dreams turn to conspiracies.


I need to talk to you.




Coffee.... Need coffee

The coffee at work suuuuuuucks




I have had a persistent headache for a few days now. This usually means I am picking up on someone else's suffering.

Is everything alight with Alma?


Alice, please tell me you or Grace bought this top hat for me?

Otherwise I'm going to be very nervous.


It’s ostensibly marriage counseling, but really, it’s just an excuse for us to yell at each other with out the kids overhearing. Who knows, maybe the sheer hatred could respark the romance between us that once existed, for such a short while a long time ago.

It’s complete crap, of course. The only passion I feel for Robert is the passion necessary to wring his fat neck. Why any woman would voluntarily share his bed...

I did love him, once. It wasn’t entirely a marriage of convenience. It’s still convenient, at least until Tommen is old enough. Even then, it might be convenient to continue the charade, for awhile longer. It’s not like I lack for lovers. Especially my true love.

The above was deleted as soon as it was written

The counselor suggested I take the children on an extended vacation so I can keep an eye on Jaime so that Robert and I can have a chance to cool down after our latest fight. I suppose this is an intruduction.

I hear the wine country out here is marvelous.




I find it somewhat pathetic and horrifying that I need to state these rules for visiting our home, but unless you happen to be Combeferre, and only Combeferre, because he has more than the sense God gave a mosquito, I would like to set a few guidelines out regarding other people's animals and visits.

TW: animal death )




It's funny how I didn't realize I wanted desperately to wake up until I did. And now I don't want to ever sleep again.

Rest in Peace, Cedric. Whoever you are.




At least it wasn't me this time.

[Betty Ross]
Is it okay for us to skip the next Stark-Potts wedding now?




It's probably about time I introduced myself on this thing! I'm not really computer savvy or anything, but I think I have the hang of the network. My name is Faelivrin and I just moved back to Orange County after visiting my family in France. I'm 29 years old and a widow as well. Is that too personal? Oh well. I don't know how these things are supposed to go.




[OOC: Jaime's mention of the Starks below is in reference to his boss Tony, but could be taken wrong from the ASOIAF Starks because lol]

Considering that Stark's presence on this network has been immense in the last year it only seemed prudent that I check it out as well. My name is Jaime Lannister, son of Tywin Lannister. I've just taken a job at Stark Industries as an accountant, but I hear I should watch my back? Strangeness seems to follow the man wherever he goes.




Wrex, are we babysitting for Beth and Alma tonight?


I suppose I'm feeling a little better. Getting to use my powers on that kind of scale helped, I can't lie.

I'm sorry I've been so blue lately. I know I worried some of you. For very legitimate reasons.




In my dreams, I had a mushroom village. It was awesome.

And then Sjin and Lalna broke everything. :| my only regret is that I have boneitis.




So that's a Dalek, huh? Mega weird.

Well fun to beat up with a baseball bat, though. I really wish I could thank the Professor for that.




My ears! They are here!

... that sounds mad, but they are!




Fashion shoot with Mako tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited!