
April 17th, 2013




While my upcoming wedding is indeed exciting, so is my other news. Jefferson Chapelier and I have come up with a men's clothing line here at Fayth, and it's ready for purchase. It's a bit like having a child, I'd expect, I'm so proud. He's done amazing work.




I just woke up and now I'm sitting in the kitchen. She's sitting here with me, even as I write this. She is talking away, talk-talk-talk and eating all that cigarette smoke. The fat lady squeezed into that kitchen chair with her...cigaretes and her talk. And I want to take a knife to her. I dreamed about so much last night. Was it last night? Just last night? Feels like forever. It feels like I've been dreaming the same dreams forever.

It feels
It feels like my mind is breaking. I was so hungry, in my dreams. I needed to eat, and drink and rip and chew and tear and take millions into me. Millions. Me and my brothers, and my...and my Jude, my Jude Cripp, because he dreams the dream so well. He did horrible things but he dreams so well. He is a son of Babcock.

What was her name? Mother of Babcock? I didn't dream it. I just dreamed her and she's still right here.

I was more than Babcock. But I'm still Babcock. I am Babcock. I am Morrison-Chavez-Baffes-Turrell-Winston-Sosa-Echols-Lambright-Martinez-Reinhardt-Carter. My brothers. Brothers of Babcock.

I don't understand any of this. I just know my dreams are true. I'm not that dumb, I'm not.

I wish she would shut up.




So... Uh. My hair is turning purple.

All of my hair.

I dream of more pony stuff. Like another pony name babs, more about the princesses or whatever. I've gotten used to them.

But purple hair?!



Well, I'm Back, He Said ((Title would be blocked from non punctured Tolkiens))

It does take severe shock to wake you up from some things, doesn't it? I've spent the last couple of days in 1832 land again, and I can't say that I minded it. I find that I think clearer when I'm in that mindset, that I write better, that I am closer to who I am supposed to be. I get that it is hardly good for me to be in the mindset of my last life all the time and badly affects some processes, but in others, it is weirdly...comforting, I guess is the right way to put it. I have such a hard time feeling safe or secure as I am right now. I think that knowing who I was and what I could do then have been a big help in making me feel that way when right now, today, I have no clue what I'm doing. tldr, no cut for characters )

In other news, I missed the internship I had applied for, largely due to distance and relocation issues, according to the letter, but I suspect to better candidates if we're going to be honest about it. There were a lot of us. I can't feel bad. I'm disappointed but it was sort of a snowball's chance anyway, and besides that, a sister organization will be opening up on this coast in the next few months, and they'll be taking hires. My info has been passed along, and I've sent out a resume, and several of my pieces to be looked over, and considered. It's not the DC branch, by any means, but it is still a chance to tell the truth and to let others see it, and to help in my own way. We'll see if that goes through or not, but here's to hoping for it anyway.

Hope seems so strange as a concept just right now, doesn't it?



Trigger Warnings: Sexual Assault in Comments

oh god my dreams

i did not think they could get worse




Hello, everyone!

I'm certain that by now we're all aware of the tragedy that occurred in Boston this week. My friends and I would like to help with the relief efforts, as much as we can from where we are.

I myself will be holding a bakesale on behalf of Les Amis, so if you have any goods you'd like to donate, please let me know! I'll be set up on campus during lunch and dinner all this week, if you'd like to sign up to sit at the table and help out, come out and donate baked goods, or donate money to the cause.

For those who want to donate directly, the city of Boston has set up a list of ways to help out!

As you can see, the city is already starting to rally together and build themselves back up, which is a wonderful thing to see.

Please help all you can, or stop by and show support if you don't have the funds to donate anything right now!

Thank you kindly.




I dreamed I was at the barricade. I was making cartridges with Feuilly. I am not sure who decided it was an okay idea for me to do that. But somehow I managed not to injure myself or Feuilly while undertaking that task.

I told him I thought we'd be taking a diligence to another plant soon. Meaning it was near the end for us all. I am not sure how to feel about that.




I dreamed I was in Corsica, the other night. Robert was there, and we went sailing and swimming and simply meandering about the island.

I think it's likely the best, most romantic and most wonderful dream I've ever had. The sort where you're angry at your alarm clock for waking you up.


I have never spent so much damn time on a project. I'm almost done with it though, I really should just push through and get it done before the weekend, but frankly I'm thinking video games and then some Wendy's.




I don't mind the dreams so much.

I just wish the horrible ones wouldn't stay on repeat.


Is it Friday yet? Because I'd like that.


Well, I had my first weird dream last night.

Okay, shut up, not my first dream ever. The first real one. Like what everyone's been talking about. Guess I can count myself in that group, now.

Anyone else dreamed of a place called Demacia? Or have I really gone crazy?

I'm voting for crazy. Definitely that one.




I am in serious need of shopping therapy and it needs to not be with my boyfriend or anyone at school. Come on, network. Let's get it done.


It would be completely insane for me to adopt a dog on my kind of work schedule, wouldn't it? Completely out of the question, right? Someone stop me from doing this.




Hawke is trying to force me to be more social. This can't possibly end well.




Goddess, I wish I could've been part of the team that found this!

This is why I love my line of work. So many incredible things are still waiting to be found...


I am looking for a reputable florist or nursery owner. My temple is beginning preparations for Gotan'e, or the Birth of Shinran Shonin, which is in approximately one month. We would need a bulk rate for the flowers and foliage. If anyone is interested, please reply here or sent a private message to me.


Peter Parker.. are we related? I met you in my dream last night. We have to be connected somehow.

Unless I just stole your name.



[Locked from Gavroche]

So... Looking around youtube and I found the MOST AWESOMEST song ever. Reminds me of my girl so much.
The song. And like in light of recent events and stuff.
Cut for lyrics  )