
April 14th, 2013




It would appear that my dreams are similar and dissimilar from my real life. Like in real life, the dream version of me is, not only also a genius, but also graduated from Harvard at fifteen. Unlike my real life though, shortly after graduation, I was recruited by the CIA as a researcher on a project they called Division X. One of the projects I was working on was for Supersonic flight, which makes sense considering my dreams take place in the 1960s.




Is anyone else watching that new show "What Would Ryan Lochte Do?" They're still in the middle of filming the first season, but I've already been on it a couple times. Ryan and I are good friends and still teammates so I bet I'll be on it even more. It's good for me, I think. My agent says it's good to be in the spotlight... means more commercial deals and stuff. I don't know. I'm not too worried about commercial deals. I just want to go to the 2018 Olympics.

It might be a good opportunity for us to show off a little, don't you think?




I hope no-one got too hurt last Saturday because of me. I'm not even really sure what happened but I keep having but I'm so sorry. I'll understand if no-one wants me around anymore.




Not sure how I successfully managed a weekend day off, but I'm definitely going to take it and not complain. The clinic is always the least amount of fun on Sundays. Too many drunk college accidents on Saturday night, generally.

I know how everyone goes on here about having strange dreams -- I'd never been afflicted with those, myself. But now, I can with certainty say that I had the oddest dream last night. Because it was so -- well. Normal, almost. It was like reliving my life with just subtle, tiny changes. Sherlock, you were there. At this point it would be odd if you weren't, I guess But sorry Peter, you weren't.




Is it just me, or do noses seem to break easier after the third go? Fuckin' hell, this hurts.

Oh, right. I just joined this thing. Hello, or something. I'm kind of crap with technology.




I'm going to be moving soon! I'll need some help moving heavy stuff. Volunteers? XD

I'll make you a cake if you volunteer!




Whatever idiot thinks "Cajun spices" is some stupid packet of powder, I got a bone to pick with you. They was havin' a "Cajun fish fry" up in Long Beach, and I ain't never been so disgusted. C'est wrong.




REALLY don't want to go to work tomorrow. Don't want to go to sleep tonight, either. I never really thought that I'd come to a point in my life where I hate dreaming, but there you have it. I've reached that point. Now I'm going to go see how many marshmallows I can stuff in my mouth while watching crappy "reality tv" on Netflix. Because I can. This is what adulthood looks like.




Made cake tonight. So good. Made frosting, too. Now it's mostly gone. Mostly. So full. SO FULL.

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