
March 10th, 2013




So Valarnet,

Do you ever miss people from the dreams who aren't here and probably will never even BE here? Because it's kind of happening to me right now. I just saw something amazing over the last few days, but all it made me do is think of that person from my dreams who I don't think I'm ever going to see, and actually legitimately miss even though I haven't even met her.

It's...weird, you know?




Daylight savings time on the day I come back from another coast. No wonder walking to bed feels like it's too much of an effort right now. That said, I'm home safe, didn't die from the food cart, it was amazing, and I've got pictures. I don't know if any of them are actually good enough to upload anywhere, but if I come across any gems, I will share. Right now, I'm going to go play with my chinchilla and then crash because I'm seriously beat. But home. And such. It's a good thing.




After feeling pretty much myself yesterday, I'd hoped that the psychic energy and headache might have done the job of severing a mental link I seemed to have formed against my will. But no such luck... Woke up clutching my pillow and hoping it was Xi'an.

At least it wasn't twins. I'm not sure I could have done twins again. When Padme gave birth, I took on so much of her pain that... Well, let's just say I know what it's like to have twins more than most men.

Oh, I don't want to post any of this.




I spent most of yesterday in bed with a pillow over my head. Not particularly brave, but trying to move made my head feel like it was exploding.


Is everything all right with you?





I-- I want my hour back.


This hurt so much more than I expected it to.




I'm having a day. Better day than some. Also, frozen peas work great for black eyes.




Oi, Chicago finally lost but I've already come to the conclusion that my hockey picks are screwed for the season regardless. Maybe I'll try one of those basketball things people always do in March. There has to be a trick to it, right?




I don't care that I like my work. Tomorrow is Monday and MONDAYS SUCK.

Especially 4am calls! I MEAN REALLY! Who does that?!




You would think having a general idea on how the story in the dreams, or whatever you want to call it, ends would give you a sense of closure but it doesn't really. It is more like an emptiness or when you finish a book, close it, and then it hits you some big question has gone unanswered. It is hard to explain I guess.

Or is it just me that feels that way? Feels like there should be a reason for the dreams but there isn't except that we want there to be a reason.




Finally feeling 100% after that virus bullshit. It took way too long to feel completely normal again.

Nobody likes feeling that low for that often.


Things have really started picking up at work, which is wonderful. They've given me a much busier beat and my own byline.

Every day seems a little better than the last, which I'm very grateful for. I hope everyone else is enjoying the same run of luck.




If someone asks me if I'm Lindsay Lohan one more time, I'm going to light them on fire.




So I have some RAD AWESOME news! I found that I have chin and upper lip scruff now, and there are a few chest hairs and my thighs are a bit harrier than I last remember them. And my old foster care case worker said my voice is deeper. Too bad I got no one to really tell.

I got a brand new bike from Haruka! Most AWESOMEST person in the world!




So, uh, unless pregnancy causes hallucinations WHICH I THINK IT DOESN'T, I was out flying and saw this dude in black leather and a cape being all Sullen McGee on top of a building. DON'T FALL GUY. IF YOU'RE READING THIS. Which means you're probably at home now.

Still. No falling, please.