
October 17th, 2012





The HELL, man? Okay, so that was awesome but it was also fucking INSANE.

Something going on?




Rose Tyler!

I need a word with you.




Donna Noble!

Need a word with you as well. Different word, a number of them, actually, in a different order from the ones I'm going to give Rose, but they are words, and they are going to be said.




Is anyone good at making masks and/or prosthetics? I've just about finished my Halloween costumes, but the beast isn't very beastly without hair. Does he have horns too? Hmmm.




Anybody know of any shrinks that work with uninsured people on the cheap?




Where is there a bar I can go to that offers a taxi service so I don't have to drive.

I'm just lonely.




You're not right. In the head. You have issues. All of you have issues.

You should work on that.




Roy, my friend! To celebrate your freedom, I hope you got the gift box I sent you today. I did not send you chocolates as they tend to melt, but silicone and DVDs are harder to damage, no?



Things I've Learned From Ollie Queen:

Okay, okay. Last night and the aftermath of it, (yeah, Ollie came over here, no, I'm fine, he brought me groceries and labeled tupperware containers full of food most normal people have never heard of. What the hell is jicama, valarnet? It looks like some kind of vegetable puree? Do I pronounce that the way it looks, or the Spanish way?) and Zevran, have gotten me thinking about the things Ollie's actually taught me. So, so that I don't always look like a completely ungrateful asshole, here's a list of stuff I've learned from him, when it's actually been me, as far as I know at least.

1. Shooting out the car window isn't the worst thing in the world
2. You steep the cannabis in the butter, but don't put it in the brownies alone.
3. Rubber...products... collect bacteria, silicone don't as much. This is the difference between porus and non porus substances.
3 b. Just because your science teacher freaks out at that explanation doesn't mean it's wrong, and if school wants you to remain ignorant of the facts, it's better to get a day off anyway.
4. Drinking clear alcohol means you get over the hangover faster due to a lack of impurities. more )

...That last one, uh. I needed that reminder, I guess. And now I feel like an asshole. Sorry.




I lost an earring at work today. Spent 15 minutes walking around the university trying to find the damned thing only to find it back at my desk in my outbox tray! Why is it always in the last place you think to look? By the time I got back my tea was cold too! Good thing I found it though, since I now need them for what I'm sure is going to be an...interesting evening to say the least.