
August 24th, 2012



Can anyone point me in the direction of a good tailor? I've always heard the best way to find a good business in a new place is to ask the locals, and I need a new suit.




I thought living in Colorado was the most boring thing ever, but obviously the entire world is conspiring against me, because really? Tea. Tea is the most boring thing ever.

I don't even get tea. How is this place even doing this much business? It can't be the little cakes he sells. I mean ... alright, the cakes are good, but no one goes to a boring old tea house for little cakes, yo. I could buy little cakes from the grocery store.

Mellow out by serving tea my ass. All that's happening here is a decreasing appreciation for the elderly and a growing desire to bust some teacups against the wall. Is it 5 o'clock yet?!





I get to do a magazine thingy! You know, where they talk to you and stuff? This is so exciting!

I wonder if there's going to be lunch.




Over fever, I was victorious. I had a few strange dreams, but there's nothing new about that, now is there?

But I'm still alive. I'm sure all of you were very worried.

As you were.


Liam, please tell me that was another burglar breaking into your apartment last night. At three in the morning. Honestly.