
June 23rd, 2012




If this goes on much longer, I think I might go insane.

Stark, you're insufferable.


Which would you rather deal with: a stalker, or just a plain old crazy person?

If anyone needs me, I will be hiding on the beach for the next billion years.


So there was a guy on here looking for a yoga teacher who could stomach patchouli, Enya, and neopagans. You still around? I don't remember your name and I didn't bookmark your post, sorry.




... I never get lonely.

And yet I am. Or I may just be homesick.


Over sharing. A rampant problem? Cause for concern? Source of never ending entertainment?

I dare say my mother never prepared to live in a world like this.



Color on the paint card looks different on the wall. Believe I may be colorblind.




I know everybody talks about their dreams here, but I never paid much attention to it before. I think I'm joining the club, though. Had some good dreams last night.




Wanted Notice, Not Necessarily SFW )


Everybody's talking about their crazy dreams or whatever. Mine are totally boring. They're all about work, and the office even looks the same. It's exactly like my normal life.

Except for the dinosaur. That was kinda weird.