
June 2nd, 2012



Since this concept is unclear to some of us, let me spell it out: when a sign says "Do Not Touch, Please Ask For Assistance", it means you do not touch it. Not with your fingers, not with your toes, not with your tongue, nothing. You keep all body parts away from whatever you're eyeing and ask one of the shopkeepers to help you.

That's what they're there for, people.




What a day to be trapped in the hospital. Am I right? I realized this morning that I hadn't made any public posts about being here. I'm okay. Recovering. Pain is slightly less today.




Lizzie..Lizzie what did he do to you.




Gather round, Valarnet. I'm going to tell you a story about my buddy Bruce. (Not you, Wayne. Banner. To be clear, I am talking about Dr. Bruce Banner right now.)

See, we were at MIT together, Bruce and I. And one night there was this party, you know how college gets. We were trashed. I mean, I pride myself on holding my liquor along with enough for everyone else but we outdid ourselves. Meanwhile, Bruce sees this girl he's kind of had a thing for the whole quarter. She was in our Physics lab. So I push him over, like a good wingman should.

So Bruce walks over, and everything's going great. They flirt all night pretty much, and later that night I'm thinking 'sweet, buddy's gonna get lucky.'

Problem was the aforementioned trashed part. Bruce went in for a kiss, wound up barfing all over her.

What ever happened to her any way, Bruce? You guys kept touch, right?


Fact: according to the Grimm brothers' Little Snow White, the stepmother-queen demanded Snow White's lungs and liver. The whole 'I want her heart' bit is pure Disney.

Also, my main take-away from reading was that dwarves are sensible people and know not to open doors to strangers. Why Snow White didn't listen is beyond me.

Another fact: when you Google 'snow white' you have to scroll through half a page of movie times and IMDB entries before you get to the full text of the story. Google, your mind-reading abilities could use some work.




It'd figure I'm spending another Saturday night at home watching Netflix. I've got to get out more. Maybe at least get acquainted with the local sports teams.

Best pubs to catch a game, anyone?



Filtered to Friends of Loki

[OOC: If you have a reason to think you are friends with Loki you're probably on this filter.]

Hello people!

I hope I've gotten everyone I think I've seen hanging around with and generally being friends with Loki. Anyway, for some weird reason he seems to have decided that I should be put in charge of planning his birthday party instead of doing it himself. Sif, also, has been tasked with some of this job. Now, I'm pretty sure his logic is that I know how skittish he can be and what kind of things he won't like, but I am totally not a one-person birthday party planner and I don't know everyone that's friends with him very well or what everyone else likes to do.

So! That is where this post comes in. With the magic of social networking, I open the floor to you all: Ideas? Suggestions? Thoughts? We have a little under a month (it's the 26th).