
Posts Tagged: 'sue+storm+%28invisible+woman%29'

May. 30th, 2012



WHO: Sue Storm & Bruce Banner
WHERE: the hospital
WHEN: Wednesday Evening
WHAT: an awkward reunion
STATUS: incomplete

She also didn't expect to turn a corner, nearly trip over someone, and then spill her files across the hallway when her brain caught up with her eyes and made sense of the image she was seeing. )

May. 21st, 2012



WHO: Sue Storm & OPEN TO ANYONE who might be in/near Tony's room (pepper, tony, bruce) AVAILABLE FOR MULTIPLE THREADS
WHEN: Monday noonish
WHERE: Tony's Hospital Room
WHAT: Sue feels she needs to be involved

And while Sue's half-panicked text messages didn't exactly make sense, she had made an attempt to get a hold of them before showing up. )