
Posts Tagged: 'nienor+niniel'

Aug. 27th, 2013




WHO: Agent Coulson & Nienor. (And Lola.)
WHAT: A drive on the Pacific Highway.
WHEN: Tuesday Afternoon.

Life is a highway. )

Apr. 17th, 2013




Who: Nienor & Coulson
What: Nienor tells Coulson about Turin
When: The day after Turin arrived
Where: The Nienor/Coulson home
Rating: R for mentioned of death, violence, incest etc etc
Status: In progress

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Apr. 4th, 2013




Who: Nienor & Turin
What: A renunion!
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Nienor's new home in Irvine
Rating: PG-13 probably
Status: In progress!

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Dec. 16th, 2012




Who: Coulson & Nienor
What: Nienor has a surprise for Coulson
When: Forward dated to December 18th, the start of the wish plot
Where: Their home in Irvine
Rating: PG-13 for now, but very likely to go NC-17 bow chica
Status: In progress

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Nov. 14th, 2012




Who: Nienor & Coulson
What: Coulson comes home after kicking alien butt and they have a heart-to-heart
When: Wednesday
Where: The Coulson residence
Rating: lol probably G this is Nienor & Coulson we're talking about here
Status: In progress

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Oct. 14th, 2012




Who: Nienor & Phil
What: Their first kiss!!!1!
When: Sunday night
Where: At their home in Irvine
Rating: PG
Status: In progress

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Oct. 9th, 2012




Who: Nienor & Coulson
What: General awkwardness and flirting probably
When: Tuesday night
Where: Irvine, CA
Rating: Ffft. With these two? G.
Status: In progress

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Sep. 22nd, 2012




Who: Nienor & Coulson
What: Getting ready for Frodo's party and talking.
When: Saturday late afternoon
Where: Their house in Irvine, CA
Rating: PG
Status: In progress

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Aug. 15th, 2012




WHO: Agent Phil Coulson & Nienor.
WHAT: The Avengers get something to believe in, and the aftermath.
WHERE: Dreamspace Helicarrier and the Coulson/Nienor home.
WHEN: Early Thursday Morning.
WARNINGS: Violence, Avengers spoilers and Pheels.

It's okay, boss. This was never gonna work if they didn't have something to... )

Aug. 4th, 2012




WHO: Coulson & Nienor.
WHAT: Awkwardness and otherwise, I expect. No attempted murder. In theory.
WHEN: Saturday Night.
WHERE: FBI Safehouse.
WARNINGS: Okay, so no murder. But there is a hug. These kids are out of control, I tell you.

Phil had stopped to get boxes. )

Jul. 31st, 2012




Who: Nienor & Coulson
What: Awkwardness
When: Tuesday after they get off work
Where: The safe house
Rating: PG probably
Status: In progress

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Jul. 17th, 2012




WHO: Coulson & Nienor.
WHAT: A Good Night.
WHEN: Tuesday Night.
WHERE: Nienor's Safehouse.

He didn't even have to use his AK. )

Jul. 6th, 2012




Who: Nienor & Coulson
What: Phil brings dinner, Nienor asks him about houses and cars.
When: Friday night
Where: Nienor's apartment
Rating: PG-13
Status: Incomplete

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Jun. 16th, 2012




WHO: Agent Coulson & Nienor
WHAT: Awkward feels, most likely. Also dinner delivery.
WHEN: Saturday Night
WHERE: Nienor's safehouse

Tonight, it was Thai. )

Jun. 2nd, 2012




Who: Agent Coulson & Nienor.
What: Comfort, Protection and maybe a slight hint of awkward flirting.
When: Tonight, after Nienor visited Frodo in the hospital.
Where: FBI Safehouse.
Rating: TBD, likely mentions of violence and death.
Status: In Progress.

An ordered life. )

May. 29th, 2012




Who: Nienor & Khamul
What: Nienor moves into her new place and Khamul stalks her there, Coulson saves the day.
When: Wednesday night
Where: FBI safehouse
Rating: Should probably warn for some trigger warnings. It's a creepy and tragic line all together.
Status: In progress

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May. 10th, 2012



twist of fate

Who: Frodo Baggins and Nienor
What: Frodo visits her in the hospital
When: Thursday
Where: Irvine Hospital
Status: In Progress
Rating: PG-13, with Trigger Warnings for loss of life.

While she had been laying here, fighting for two lives, he had wasted the day getting high in the park. )

May. 6th, 2012




Who: Niniel, Khamul & npc!Brandir
What: Niniel & Brandir are caught in the crossfire of Khamul's shenanigans.
When: Sunday evening.
Where: Niniel's house in Irvine.
Rating: R! This is a trigger warning for those who don't like violence and loss of life.
Status: In progress

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Apr. 6th, 2012




Who: Frodo Baggins & Nienor
What: Frodo thinks a doctor ought to have a look at his brain, because it seems to be acting up again.
Where: Nienor’s Office
When: Early Wednesday Morning
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

I mean, I’ve seen A Beautiful Mind. I know what happens to me next! )

Mar. 8th, 2012



Doctor's Visit

Who: Nienor & Frodo
What: Frodo comes to his neurologist for help.
When: Thursday, March 8, 2012
Where: Nienor’s practice
Rating: PG
Status: Complete.
**Some discussed events are still threading here**

Nienor always did her best to clear her calendar when it came to Frodo. )