
Posts Tagged: 'max+evans'

Oct. 30th, 2020




Who: Vanessa Cleveland, Y'shtola Rhul, Regulus Black, Max Evans, Kate Fuller, Christy Nord, Andromache of Scythia, Raven, Hope Mikaelson, Echo, Finn, Kitty Pryde, Daryl Dixon & Clarke Griffin
When: Friday, October 30th – October 31st.
Where: Nightmare Before Christmas
What: This is Halloween!
Rating/Warnings: TBD
Status: Open

Characters will wake up in any location within Halloween Town or Christmas Town and get the chance to experience both holidays at the same time. Look out for Lock, Shock and Barrel or characters might wind up in their walking tub and brought down to Oogie Boogie.

Sep. 22nd, 2020




Who: The Evans siblings.
Where: Isobel's office
What: Morning.
When: Now.
Rating: Meduim.
Open: Nah
Notes: Isobel's dreams has been affecting her work, but she's back.
Status: Ongoing.

. )

Aug. 11th, 2020




WHO: Max and Isobel
WHAT: He's worried
WHERE: Her place
STATUS: In progress
RATING: TBD, depends on Isobel's vocab

I'm not leaving until you talk to me )

Jul. 19th, 2020




Who: Liz Ortecho & Max Evans
When: Backdated: Friday, May 17th. Middle of the Night
Where: Max's Bedroom
What: Liz is dreaming
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Liz awoke with a start, the dream so fresh in her mind that for a moment the feelings felt so real )

Jul. 7th, 2020




WHO: Max, Liz, and Hayley
WHAT: A case of mistaken identity
WHEN: Recently
WHERE: Crescent Moon Yoga studio
STATUS: Complete

Jackson? )

Jul. 1st, 2020




Who: Liz Ortecho & Max Evans
When: Backdated: Saturday, May 16th. Early Afteroon
Where: The Beach
What: Spending a day at the beach
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Liz hadn’t been to the beach in awhile and she very much liked the idea of seeing Max without a shirt )

May. 2nd, 2020




Who: Maria DeLuca, Isobel Evans-Bracken, Michael Guerin, Liz Ortecho, and Max Evans
What: Getting the group back together
Where: Local dive bar
When: Weekend after this
Rating: PG-13 for alcohol
Status: Complete

Maria DeLuca wasn’t going to let turning 13 years old and weird dreams about a town she had never been to ruin her good time. )

Apr. 19th, 2020




Who: Liz Ortecho & Max Evans
When: Backdated: March, After Quarantine was lifted.
Where: Liz's Apartment
What: A Long Over-Due Dinner Date
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

It had figured that after they had finally confessed their feelings for each other something would happen that would keep them apart for practically a month )

Apr. 18th, 2020




Who: Michael Guerin, Isobel Evans & Max Evans
What: Michael wakes up a seven year old
When: April 1st
Where: Street not far from Michael's trailer
Rating/Warning: Low/None!
Status: Complete

I can look out for myself! )

Apr. 1st, 2020




Who: Maria DeLuca and Max Evans
What: Maria stops by looking for Isobel and finds Max instead
When: March 30th
Where: Isobel's law firm
Rating/Warnings: G/None
Status: Complete

Thought you avoided these places like the plague. )

Mar. 24th, 2020




Who: Liz Ortecho & Max Evans
When: Backdated: Early February, after this.
Where: A Bar
What: Liz has had more dreams and needs to ask Max a few things.
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Liz wasn’t really sure how she was going to breach this topic with Max, considering he didn’t appear to have dreamt about Rosa or the letter yet )

Feb. 8th, 2020




WHO: Max and Isobel
WHAT: Dreams and twin talk
WHEN: Monday morning
WHERE: The office
STATUS: In progress

Twin-sense )

Jan. 27th, 2020




Who: Liz Ortecho & Max Evans
When: Backdated: Mid December, just before Christmas
Where: The magical Christmas Village
What: Running into each other at the Christmas Village + Hot Chocolate and a little mistletoe.
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

To say that this Holiday season had been a strange one for Liz was an understatement )

Nov. 15th, 2019




Who: Freya Mikaelson, Max Evans, Elijah Mikaelson
What: Of face twin confusion, power channeling and breaking health
When: 15 November 2019 - mid/late morning
Where: Pimpernel Outreach
Warnings: Should be low
Status: Thread | Complete

I'll sleep when I'm dead )

Nov. 9th, 2019




Who: Max and Isobel
Where: Max's house
What: Talking about work.
When: Now.
Rating: Meduim.

She has an offer he can refuse. )

Sep. 21st, 2019




Who: Max and Isobel
Where: Max's house
What: earlier this morning
When: more dream stuff
Rating: high
Open: no.

I am such a bitch )

Sep. 19th, 2019




Who: Max and Liz
What: Another meeting
When: Saturday, August 3rd
Where: Farmer’s market
Status: Complete when posted

He might even be persuaded to make her something )

Aug. 31st, 2019




Who: Max Evans and NPC random attorney and judge
What: Narrative log - trouble with powers
When: Recently
Where: His office
Rating: Low

Shocking )

Jul. 24th, 2019




Who: Pod Squad - Max, Isobel and Michael
What: Drinks after all having the same dream
When: Today
Where: Random Bar
Rating/Warning: Mediumish - references to murder
Status: Complete

Are we dangerous? )

Jul. 22nd, 2019




Who: Max and Sam
What: Exploring a new drinking hole
When: May 14
Where: Fangtasia
Status: Complete when posted
Rating: Low

What can I get for you tonight )

Jun. 24th, 2019




Who: Liz Ortecho & Max Evans
When: Backdated: Early May
Where: A Park
What: Random Catch Up
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Liz was beginning to wonder if perhaps they should do some sort of sleep study )

May. 3rd, 2019




Who: Gaby Teller & Max Evans
What: Literally bumping into someone new
When: Early april [backdated]
Where: Michael's place of work
Rating: PG

Sometimes that sense of duty led Max to feed Michael, too. )




WHO: Max and Michael
WHAT: Dinner
WHEN: An evening
WHERE: Max’s place
STATUS: Complete

“He'd )

Apr. 21st, 2019




WHO: Max, Michael, and Isobel
WHAT: Family dinner
WHEN: Easter
WHERE: At the Evans family home
STATUS: In progress

“Buffer” )

Apr. 14th, 2019




WHO: Max and Kyle
WHAT: Literally running into old friends
WHEN: Early morning
WHERE: Random sidewalk
STATUS: Complete

“Reunion” )

Apr. 12th, 2019




Who: Max and Freya
What: Volunteering
When:Friday afternoon
Where: Pimpernel Outreach
Status: Complete
Rating: Low

He wanted to do more )