
Posts Tagged: 'marcel+gerard'

Aug. 28th, 2017




Who: Klaus and Marcel
What: Seeing each other for the first time since New Orleans
When: Sometime before Marcel's first network post
Where: Random bar
Rating/Warnings: Fairly low. Language.
Status: Complete

The two had a certain bond that was once unbreakable. )

May. 15th, 2014




WHO Davina, Henrik, Marcel
WHAT meeting Marcel
WHEN Early evening.
WHERE Marcel and Davina's place
STATUS Incomplete
text here )

Apr. 15th, 2014



WHO: Marcel Gerard & Katherine Pierce Gilbert
WHAT: Out on what is probably a date
WHERE: Seafood restaurant in L.A.
WHEN: 19th, evening
STATUS: In progress

Katherine Gilbert, at it again. )