
Posts Tagged: 'han+solo'

Jun. 29th, 2012



Who: Leia and Han
What: More dream discussions. Also, security discussions.
When: Back on Thursday Afternoon
Where: Han and Leia's Garage
Status: In Progress
Rating: TBD? Probably low.

Leia knew it wouldn't be long before Han showed up in her office. )

Jun. 21st, 2012



Who: Han and Leia
What: Leia wakes after an odd dream, in which she and Han are about to become compacted garbage.
When: Following the Linked plot, before dawn.
Where: Han and Leia's home
Rating: PG13?
Status: In Progress!

She felt that, for a few moments as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, that she could still smell that incredible smell she'd discovered. )

Jun. 5th, 2012



Who: Han, Leia, and Obi-Wan
What: Han and Leia have a discussion. Obi-Wan eavesdrops.
Where: The Garage
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Rating: PG-13?
Status: In Progress!

Leia was in and out of her office all morning. )

May. 30th, 2012



Who: Han and Leia
What: Leia's acting weird. Han's getting weirded out.
When: Wednesday Morning
Where: Han and Leia's House
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Leia had put the cereal box in the refrigerator and the milk in the cupboard. )

May. 26th, 2012




Who: Obi-Wan, Han, Leia, and Luke
What: Family reunion! Obi brings his car into the shop.
When: Saturday Morning
Where: Han's Garage
Status: In progress
Rating: TBD

Car = Broken )

May. 21st, 2012



Who: Leia, Han and Tyrael
What: Possible Break-In
Where: The Garage
When: Today
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

Break In )