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Posts Tagged: 'merry+brandybuck'

Oct. 31st, 2012



[Text to Lorelai]

>> I don't know if it's because of mischief night last night
>> But the pony was in my backyard this morning
>> The same pony

Oct. 27th, 2012



[Mass Message]

[PMs and Texts to Everyone invited to Frodo and Merrill's Wedding]
Yes, it's true.

Frodo and Merrill have unfortunately come down to the flu. The wedding is going to be postponed until they are both feeling better. Hopefully next weekend.


>> That is something we can do, right?
>> You could pull it off next week?
>> Frodo will pay for everything

Oct. 23rd, 2012



[Message to Frodo, Gandalf, Varric, Obi-Wan, & Bernie]

Private Message

If you're reading this, it means you have been invited to my cousin's shotgun bachelor party. I understand this is short notice, but them's the breaks. You know how Frodo is.

So, the party is this Thursday Night at 9 PM.
It's going to be a firepit on the beach, so we'll cook hot dogs, drink whatever's available, and bullshit until we're sick of each other. All musical instruments are welcome. Bring whatever you like to drink and any food you want to cook over an open fire.

If anyone is like me and feels the need to document everything, just comment with whatever you plan to bring and I'll keep the list below updated:

list under cut )

And gentlemen, there won't be any strippers, but if anyone wants to go to a club afterward, it can be arranged separately.



[PM to Obi-Wan]

It has been relayed to me that you and I are now teammates on this project known as my cousin's wedding.

Oct. 19th, 2012



[Text to Merry]

>> I just had an idea!
>> Maybe the pony was from your dreams!
>> Do you dream about ponies?

Oct. 18th, 2012



[Text to Merry]

>> Listen, I know you do not care about Bill Pony
>> But could you be a little more gentle with Merrill
>> She is pregnant and emotional and now it looks like she wants to cry

Oct. 16th, 2012


[Text to Merry]

>> Your cousin's bride-to-be is ridiculously calm and happy and non-monstery.
>> It's really weird!
>> Seriously, she might be an alien.

Oct. 5th, 2012



[Text to Merry]

>> It's official
>> You're going to be an uncle
>> Oh! And I'm going to be father
>> That's probably the bigger story here

Sep. 29th, 2012


[Text to Merry]

>> Oh hey!
>> Things got crazy and I forgot to tell you, but I think it worked!

Sep. 25th, 2012




[Paper Memo to Eowyn]

Hopefully this makes it to the right person. I have so much gossip and no one to tell. Please stop by, m'lady.

Sep. 22nd, 2012



[Text to Lorelai, FAILED, Went to Eowyn]

>> So you're going to Frodo's party today, right?
>> Saw you RSVPed
>> Any chance you want to go together...

Sep. 12th, 2012




>> Ready?

Sep. 8th, 2012



[Text to Merrill]

>> Is Frodo feeling better today?

Sep. 6th, 2012



[Text to Frodo]

>> So I accidentally asked a woman to this gala

Sep. 5th, 2012



[Text to Lorelai, PM to Eowyn]


>> Are you going to this Gala?
>> I'm going
>> Wanted to know if you were



I need to have my tuxedo pressed. Any cleaners you'd suggest. My current one is not one I'd trust. They destroyed my suede coat.

Such important, work-related issues, I know. Drop everything.

Aug. 31st, 2012



[Text to Merrill]

>> Hey, Merrill
>> Is the old boy okay?

Aug. 11th, 2012



[Text to Merry Brandybuck]

>> No one died!
>> Unless we're talking poetically.....

>> :-D

Aug. 8th, 2012



[PM to Lorelai]

LORELAI GILMORE! don't happen to have a reservation under the name Frodo Baggins for Thursday, do you?





>> I may have done something very stupid
>> As in, I planned a big date with Merrill
>> And forgot to invite her

Aug. 1st, 2012



Text to Merry

>> Do you cook?

Jul. 25th, 2012



Text To Eowyn


>> Edwin from accounting is going to be really confused when he gets back from vacation and sees all the texts I sent to him
>> ...thinking I was texting you
>> Are you okay?
>> Someone at work told me you were actually injured

Jul. 21st, 2012




>> Please tell me you're okay!

>> You too!
>> I mean, you're okay, right?

>> Just wanted to make sure you're not hurt.
>> Let me know.

Jul. 12th, 2012



[Text to Merry]

>> Oh my god, Merry
>> [image attached]

Jul. 6th, 2012




[Email to Eowyn]

Our party is officially officially off. Not because my cousin has a girlfriend, but because he just broke up with her. I'm starting to think the whole thing was a bad idea in the first place.

Jul. 2nd, 2012



Texts between Merry and Frodo

Merry: » How are you doing? Still laying low?

Frodo: » I'm OK
Frodo: » I'll be fine
Frodo: » Just not yet

Merry: » You do realize there's bright side here, don't you?
Merry: » You got a girl in her twenties bubbling on the stove for you.
Merry: » You know, get the hots.
Merry: » You know what I mean. Try to think of it that way.

Continues here... )

Jun. 24th, 2012


Text to Merry Brandybuck

>> So, I haven't heard anything else about that party, boss.
>> Still need to find your cousin a wife?

Jun. 12th, 2012




[Phone call to Frodo’s phone... Intercepted]

[Privacy was a bit of a luxury right now. Bob’s apartment was bigger than hers, which was nice, but Rose was used to living on her own. It was strange having to navigate a place to call her boy-that-she-had-dated-a-few-times. The smile on her face could be heard in her voice when the call was picked up on the other end.]

"Hey there, handsome. Are you busy?"

Jun. 1st, 2012




Email to Eowyn

I'm leaving for the day. My cousin's in the hospital. I don't know what's going on exactly. If you could forward any important messages.

Not that you're my secretary. You're just the one I trust to weed out the stuff that's pointless.




A Series Texts Between Frodo Baggins and Merry Brandybuck

» So... Ive just been admitted to hospital.

» What?
» Why?

Continues Here )

May. 25th, 2012




[Email to Merry Brandybuck]

I'm sorry but it slipped my mind that I hadn't gotten back to you yet about the beach. Of course you can use it. When is this party happening? I'll need a written note or I'll probably forget and unintentionally crash it.