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Posts Tagged: 'mary+margaret+blanchard+%28snow+white%29'

Jan. 22nd, 2017




Texts to Mary Margaret )

Nov. 23rd, 2016



[Texts to David Nolan]

>> I know this is last minute.
>> But, are you busy tomorrow night?
>> If not, would you want to come over and help me make pies?

Nov. 17th, 2016



texts to oncers + kenzi & birkhoff

>> Alright, should we be discussing this infernal holiday known as Thanksgiving?
>> I've got a stout to go with pumpkin pie, a red wine for turkey, and a dark rum that pairs best with sweet potatoes
>> So we're mostly set
>> Why not just have dinner at our place, to celebrate a bloody massacre of this fine nation's indingeous people?

Oct. 18th, 2016



[Group Texts to Oncers]

>> We're having a Halloween party at the shelter next Saturday.
>> If you don't have any plans, I'd love it if you could come.
>> The kids are all invited as well.
>> And everyone is encouraged to dress up, but it's not mandatory.

Oct. 8th, 2016




Texts to Mary Margaret )

Sep. 25th, 2016



[Text Messages]

[Texts to David Nolan]
>> Hey.
>> What've you been up to?
>> Still unpacking?
>> I was wondering, if you're not too busy, would you want to go out sometime?

[Texts to Emma Swan and Regina Mills]
>> I just asked David out.
>> If he says yes, any suggestions on places to go?
>> I'll admit, I hadn't thought that far ahead.

Sep. 4th, 2016




texts to midna )

texts to caroline )

texts to emma swan & mary margaret )

Aug. 17th, 2016



[Group Texts to Emma Swan and Regina Mills]

>> What do you two say to a girl's night out?
>> It wouldn't have to be all night of course cause I'm sure Emma wouldn't wanna be away from Niko for long, but an hour or two.
>> What do you say?

Jun. 30th, 2016




texts to trevelyan )

texts to killian )

identical texts to emma swan, mary margaret, caroline forbes and raistlin )

Jun. 3rd, 2016



[Texts to Regina Mills, Emma Swan and Killian Jones]

>> I meant to do this sooner.
>> I don't know if any of you are aware, but there is a woman around who looks like Maleficent.
>> I ran into her a few weeks ago and considering I'd only just dreamt about her returning to life, I was pretty freaked out at first.
>> She says her name is Pam, so I don't think she's actually Maleficent.
>> Thought I'd give you guys a heads up, unless you already know.

May. 17th, 2016



mass pm to emma & neal's friends

baby shower invitation )

May. 8th, 2016



[Texts to Emma Swan and Regina Mills]

>> I just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to you both.
>> The situations might be different in the waking world, but you both still deserve it.

Apr. 5th, 2016



mass pm to regina & killian's friends

cut for death and details of )

Mar. 25th, 2016



private message to oncers + kenzi

Guess what I did! Come on then, I'll give you three guesses. Three shots to get right to the heart of the matter!

Ooh, I very nearly spoiled it.

Alright, two more guesses but no more hints. Except that consider it my way of thanking you for ensuring my wolf's blood and dragon scales delivery was completely botched. It's just as well. If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself.

Mar. 23rd, 2016



filtered to oncers + friends of killian

I'll keep this short and sweet, but the details are this: Killian's cursed. It's a carryover from the dreams - it's made him not himself, and he's in possession of very dark, very powerful magic. Our contact with him has been limited and he's been evasive thus far despite our efforts, but if he approaches anyone for whatever reason, be careful. Don't trust him and contact me immediately.

Don't test him, don't provoke him, don't engage. Unless you're particularly curious in seeing what your heart looks like outside your body.

Feb. 12th, 2016



[Texts to Emma Swan]

>> I've been meaning to text you for awhile.
>> Just been so busy at the shelter.
>> How are you?
>> I feel like We haven't seen each other in so long.

Jan. 9th, 2016



[Text Messages]

[Texts to Emma Swan]
>> I don't know if it's been because I've seen Henry more recently or what, but I recently dreamt about him getting his memories back.
>> Of course that means I also dreamt about how we got back to Storybrooke.
>> It's dreams like that that make it difficult to not think about David.

[Texts to Regina Mills]
>> I dreamt about summoning Cora to find out more about Zelena.
>> I woke up to find the candle on my nightstand.
>> Not entirely sure what to do with it.

Dec. 13th, 2015



filtered to 'the fam' (aka the once upon a time fandom)

So, Christmas? The holidays? Stuff of a similar nature? There should be a thing for that. We can even host it at our house, we have the space. Probably just get a big ol' ham and I can make Special Christmas Gates of Hell chili because it's delicious.

What do you all think?

Nov. 6th, 2015



texts to mary margaret

» hey there
» how'd that halloween horror show go for you?
» get the bats out?

» i kinda have something to tell you
» are you free for lunch sometime?

Sep. 22nd, 2015



[Texts to Emma Swan]

>> Hey, how's it going?
>> How's Henry doing?
>> I was thinking, maybe we could get together soon.

Jul. 31st, 2015



texts to Mary Margaret

» I have fast approached the freak out stage of things.
» And I don't want to...
» I just really need to know, and weirdly enough, I think Regina would just be nice to me
» Which is just weird
» But Henry does eventually forgive me for lying about his father, right?

Jun. 23rd, 2015




Text to Regina )

Text to Neal )

Text to Mary Margaret )

May. 24th, 2015



[Texts to Emma Swan]

>> Are you alright? [unsent]
>> How are you?
>> Have you seen anything strange lately?

Mar. 22nd, 2015




Mary Margaret, you have (2) new messages )

RachelRarity, you have (3) new messages )

Mar. 19th, 2015



[Phone Call to Sarah Manning]

Mary Margaret had gotten Marguerite's note with Sarah's contact information on it, so she'd decided to give her a call before something came up to distract her. Picking up the phone in her office, she dialed the number and waited as it rang.

Mar. 3rd, 2015




Mary Margaret, you have (2) new text messages )

Rachel/Rarity, you have (4) new text messages )

Feb. 16th, 2015




Mary Margaret, you have (4) new text messages )

Armand St. Just, you have (2) new text messages )

Feb. 15th, 2015




Mary Margaret, you have (3) new text messages! [backdated to 14 February] )

Feb. 2nd, 2015



Family | Friends

With everything going on with the explosion, I feel

I have to admit, I think this is the first time I have ever received a poem from someone. An anonymous poem at that... I really don't know what to make of it though. It's probably just paranoia with everything that's happened been going on, but something feels off about it.

Jan. 6th, 2015



[Texts to David Nolan]

>> Would it be too forward of me to say that you look good in a gun holster?
>> Because, you look good wearing a gun holster.
>> And now I'm blushing. [unsent]

Jan. 1st, 2015




Mary Margaret, you have (3) new text messages )

Neal Cassidy, you have (4) new text messages )

[There will be talk of abuse in comments]

Dec. 7th, 2014



[Text Messages]

[Texts to Ruby Lucas]
>> Have you had any more dreams about me and you in the Enchanted Forest?
>> Before the curse.

[Texts to David Nolan]
>> I was wondering if you were busy tonight.

Nov. 2nd, 2014



[Text Messages]

[Texts to Ruby Lucas]
>> Strange question, but you didn't happen to leave a bag out front of the shelter, did you?
>> A bag with money.

[Texts to David Nolan]
>> There's a bag of money outside the shelter.
>> It was there when I got here this morning.
>> No one knows how it got here.

Oct. 24th, 2014



[Text to Mary Margaret]

>> So.
>> I got some pumpkins.
>> I was thinking we could carve to spook up your porch a little.

Oct. 2nd, 2014



[Text messages to Mary Margaret]

>>So um
>>I woke up in the house of a grumpy doctor and seem stuck to him for however long the weirdness lasts
>>Anything I can do remotely or see if I can do while doing bedside manner for him at the hospital?

Sep. 13th, 2014




Armand Chauvelin, you have (1) new text message )

Percy Blakeney, you have (3) new text messages )

Mary Margaret, you have (1) new text message )

Sep. 1st, 2014



[Phone Call to David Nolan]

Ring, Ring, David )

Aug. 28th, 2014



[Text Messages]

[Texts to David Nolan]
>> She's here.
>> Regina is a real person.

[Texts to Marguerite St. Just]
>> The Evil Queen from my dreams is real.

Aug. 12th, 2014



[Texts to Mary Margaret]

>>I hope this text message actually reaches you
>>But I have some questions regarding Dreams and specifically people in them
I may be in over my

Aug. 3rd, 2014



[Texts to Chuck Charles]

>> I didn't think my dreams could get worse.
>> Now I was accused of murder.
>> A murder that didn't actually happen.
>> And David believed it.

Jul. 22nd, 2014



[Text to Mary Margaret]

>> Don't laugh.
>> But I'm going to learn how to ride a horse.
>> Mostly because of the dream thing.
>> You should come with me.

Jun. 27th, 2014



[Text Messages]

[Texts to Marguerite St. Just and Ben Kenobi]
>> Next Friday, on July 4th we're going to have a cookout at the shelter.
>> All volunteers and employees are invited, so if you're not busy, please stop by.

[Texts to David Nolan]
>> I hope this isn't too short notice, but next Friday we're having a cookout for the fourth.
>> If you're not busy, I'd love it if you could stop by.
>> If not, I completely understand.

May. 28th, 2014



[Text Messages]

[Texts to David Nolan]
>> Have you seen what's been going on on Valarnet today?
>> I wanted to check in and make sure you were still yourself.
>> Or see how you're handling it if you have been affected.

[Text to Chuck Charles]
>> Are you still yourself?

May. 15th, 2014



[Texts to Chuck Charles]

>> I don't know if this is going to sound strange or not, but here goes.
>> Have you had any dreams?
>> Like dreams of another life?

Apr. 28th, 2014



[PM to Mary Margaret]


I hope this isn't weird
It's David. From the animal shelter? I was wonder how the decision making was going. Not that I'm trying to pressure you into adopting a pet or anything. Just in case you had some questions or anything.

Jan. 20th, 2014



[Text to Mary Margaret]

>> Hey.
>> Are you busy tonight?

Dec. 11th, 2013



[Text to Mary Margaret]

>> Hey.
>> How are you?

Nov. 14th, 2013



Texts to Emma

>> How did your date go? :)

Nov. 6th, 2013




[ Emma ]

>> We should bake cookies again soon! They didn't last very long.
>> So I was thinking about going shopping at Fashion Island in Irvine this weekend. Are you free? Would you want to come?

[ David ]

>> Hi David :) How is your week going?
>> I have pictures from Disneyland!
>> (She sends a few of her favorites)

Oct. 28th, 2013




PM to Mary Margaret )