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Posts Tagged: 'lucas+north'

Aug. 14th, 2012




[Text to Brandon Sullivan]
Tell me you're not busy tonight.

Aug. 13th, 2012




[Text to Lucas North]
Hi Lucas. It's Jaime. I'm back in Newport Beach now. When can we meet?

[Text to Lorenzo]
Will be picking up my painting from some English guy who probably does mafia stuff for my dad. Who says they can't be trusted?

[Text to Brienne]
>> Hope you enjoyed Istanbul. We should go traveling again sometime. You're the only woman I've been with who doesn't spend hours in the toilet getting ready.
>> And I meant that as a compliment.

Aug. 6th, 2012




[Text to Jaime Lannister]
Got it. Will keep it safe for you until you return. -Lucas

Aug. 5th, 2012




[Text to Lucas North]
I need to borrow your car. Mine's getting serviced. Or could you drive me to a mate's place to pick something up real quick?

[Text to Eric Packer]
I'll be there for the painting in the afternoon. Is it big or can you take it out of the frame and I'll just put it in my pocket.

Aug. 3rd, 2012




[Backdated to early Thursday morning.]
[Call to the first law enforcement individual who picks up]
"Hi. Uh. My house was broken into last night. I lost a uh... eighty million dollar painting."

[Text to Brienne]
I'm really sorry Brienne but something came up. Forward me the address of your hotel in Istanbul and I'll see you there tomorrow.

[Text to Lorenzo]
Someone broke into my house and stole my Rubens.

[Thursday afternoon.]
[Text to Tywin Lannister]
Dad do you have any local contacts of people who specialise in [...] finding stuff?




[Text to Lucas North]
Can I stay over for a while?

Jul. 18th, 2012




[Text to Lucas North]
Mr. North, I have the information you requested. When will you be available to come in for half an hour or so?

Jul. 10th, 2012




[Lucas and Ben receive numerous alternating calls that last for between half a ring to two before the caller hangs up.]

Jul. 4th, 2012




[Text to Lucas North]
I dreamed of Can you come by to clear your shite out of my wardrobe before I go off on a dead nigger storage rant?

[Text to Ben Linus]
>> I've stopped seeing the shrink you foisted onto gave me. We weren't getting anywhere and I don't like his face.
>> I need to talk to y He signed me off anyway so we're done. Do I owe you any money?

[Text to Crowley]
I want to fuck see you.

Jun. 26th, 2012




[Texts to Lucas North]
>> Stop giving me things.
>> I don't want anything from you. I don't want to see you, I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to hear from you. I don't want you.
>> It's over between us.

Jun. 22nd, 2012




[Delivery to Mr Sullivan @ Tytos Real Estate on Friday afternoon] )

Jun. 20th, 2012




[Text to Brandon Sullivan]
Which brand do you smoke?

Jun. 16th, 2012




[Text to Brandon Sullivan]
Can you drive me to LAX? I'd drive myself but I don't want to leave my car there since I don't know when I'll be back.

Jun. 14th, 2012




[The mystery of the 'delivery boy' was solved within half a minute; tall, dark, handsome, English accent - who else could it be? Brandon offered one to the receptionist - just to see if she'd spontaneously combust, have a seizure and start foaming at the mouth, or just keel over and die on the spot - before he polished off the whole lot during the course of the day.]

[Texts to Lucas North]
>> Thanks for the fruit tarts. They tasted nice.
>> Sorry for the crazies last week.

Jun. 13th, 2012



[Gift delivery]

[Delivery for Brandon Sullivan left with the receptionist at Tytos Real Estate] )

Jun. 10th, 2012




((OOC: A Softer World; a picture's worth more...)) )

['Are you happy?'
'Happiness isn't about getting what we want. It's about appreciating what we have.'

Does she believe that, the brunette with a Russian accent? Should he? Before he can make up his mind, he gets tasered. Pain in his chest, spreading out, causing muscle spasms - not the first time but, good God, let it be the last - and Lucas wakes up just in time to stop himself from sliding off the couch. Upstairs, he can hear Brandon toss and turn, wearing out the mattress.]

[Text to Brandon Sullivan]
In my dreams, I am a spy who does all sorts of stupid things for the good of the nation.

Jun. 7th, 2012




[Voicemail left on Tytos Real Estate's machine] )



[Phone call]

[Call to Lucas North]
As soon as Lucas picks up the phone, Brandon starts talking and doesn't stop. His accent is thick and harsh and it's fairly obvious that he's panicking. From the outpour of the stream of consciousness, Lucas might be able to fish out a few sentences and phrases )

May. 25th, 2012




[Text to Brandon Sullivan; 1.18am]
You awake?

May. 21st, 2012




[Text to Lucas North]
Forgot something in your hurry to get out this morning?

May. 15th, 2012




[Phone call to Lucas North]
"Lucas. [...] Can you come sign me out. Please."

[Text to Ben Linus]
Guess I'll be seeing you after all for the next forever.

May. 12th, 2012




[Suicide Voicemail for Lucas North]
"I'm sorry. [...] About you know what. [A sigh.] You've wrecked my whole life. But what you gave me's been helping this past week. [...] Just wanted to... sort of... say thanks."

[for Ben Linus]
"Doctor. I've written and mailed you a cheque. I hope it takes care of everything. [...] You're a good person. It was a pleasure knowing you."

[Any attempts to call back is met with an automated message: 'You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again.']

May. 8th, 2012




[Text to Lucas North]
Lucas I need your help.

Apr. 26th, 2012




[Talking to Brandon be it in person or text messages has been mildly puzzling, confusing - difficult. Staring at his phone, Lucas wonders if the skinny stick-bug has always been this fickle or if it's a recent development. Must be recent because he can't recall it being this exhausting in the past. He makes a few calls and books a massage therapist for the Irishman. She's instructed to visit Mister Sullivan in the evening. Once that's settled, Lucas leaves a message on Brandon's voicemail and switches his mobile off before he hops into his car. He's got a flight to the other side of the country to catch.]

[Voicemail for Brandon]
The girl's name is Lana and she's a certified massage therapist. That's not a euphemism for prostitute so be nice to her.




[Text to Lucas]
I'm sorry about what happened at dinner.

Apr. 23rd, 2012




[Text to Brandon]
Come with me to LA.