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Posts Tagged: 'dick+grayson+%28nightwing%29'

Jan. 5th, 2021



Text to Raven

>>Clark got heat vision.
>>That's a thing.
>>Going out to meet him, can you be on standby incase something weird happens?




[Text to Dick Grayson]

Guess it's a good thing that I went out earlier tonight. Means that you're safe.

[Text to Kara Danvers]

So, any suggestions on how to deal with heat vision or laser vision or whatever this is called? Everything else, I've got semi under control.

Jan. 4th, 2021




cut for medical things )

Jan. 1st, 2021




Okay, what the fuck though? Apparently all my memories of the new timeline were just implanted in me because I'm actually supposedly some Titan Seed, worthy to be a Titan and needed to save the Titans of Myth with other Titan Seeds but there's only three left and one went mad?

Seriously. What the fuck?

Dec. 6th, 2020




>>So I have a question for you.

Dec. 2nd, 2020




Text to Clark Kent )

Dec. 1st, 2020



Friends Filter

December 12th, 7 PM. My place. Friendship Dinner!

Have a best friend you want to bring along? Do it! The more the merrier!

Oct. 30th, 2020



Text to Clark )

Oct. 1st, 2020




[Texts to Dick Grayson]
>>I think I may have had one of those dreams you mentioned
>>But I'm not sure
>>Do the names Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Speedy or Wonder Girl mean anything to you?
>>Or Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Arrow or Wonder Woman?

[Texts to Winn]
>>Probably should have asked before
>>But get any weird dreams here?

Aug. 21st, 2020



Text to Raven and Dick


>> I just wanted to check in.
>> How are you?


>> I've met a version of you in my dreams.

Aug. 20th, 2020



Text to Dick Grayson

You have (3) New Messages )

Jul. 15th, 2020



Dick Grayson

>> Do you have a spare moment to talk.
>> It's about Raven.

May. 24th, 2020



Texts to Dick Grayson

>>I'm thinking proper Belgian Waffles
>>From Belgium
>>You in?

Oct. 14th, 2015




Text to Zee )

Sep. 21st, 2015



[Texts to Dick Grayson]

>> Hey, how're you feeling?
>> Still sick?
>> Or have you started feeling better?

Aug. 12th, 2015



BatFamily + Roy and Raven

I've received the first version of the Nightwing suit (Not as cool as the one I hoped for..)..I'm..not entirely convinced I'll be joining you all on rooftops and hugging gargoyles at night, but I will admit the station isn't as stimulating as it was. If any of you need me I am around.

Jul. 28th, 2015



[Text Messages]

[Texts to Buffy Summers]
>> Hey you.
>> You back in the States?
>> If so, you're gonna have to tell me all about your trip.
>> I'm actually very jealous of you right now.

[Texts to Dick Grayson]
>> Hey, Grayson, what's up?
>> Wanna grab a drink soon?

Jul. 18th, 2015



[Private Message to Bat Fam]

So....who saw that recent news report?

Jul. 16th, 2015




Text to Zee )

Jul. 1st, 2015



[Text Messages]

[Texts to Dick Grayson]
>> Hey, got any plans for the fourth?
>> Wanna come over for a bbq?

[Texts to Buffy Summers]
>> Hey, how's it going?
>> Haven't talked in a while.
>> Let me ask you something; what're you doing for the fourth?

Jun. 15th, 2015



Text to Zee!

>>May have more news.



[Texts to Dick Grayson]

>> Have you ever dated someone for a long time
>> Like over a year and talked about the future and getting married and stuff
>> Then broken up and later found out she got engaged to someone else after less than a month?
>> I mean, she broke up with me we broke up awhile ago and we're friends now.
>> But I just can't help but feel like she didn't love me like she claimed to.

Jun. 3rd, 2015



Text to Zee

>>I went shopping.
>> I have no clue what I'm doing though.

May. 26th, 2015



Text to Roy

>>You said we had a Raven.
>>Is that Raven in my head too?

May. 21st, 2015



Text to Zatanna

>>Doing all right with all this?
>>Stations been having me on doubles lately.
>>Should still have saturday free though if you feel up to going out?

>>Or staying in.

Apr. 27th, 2015



Filtered post to Roy

Soooo I don't know many people yet. Wanna go get a drink or something?

Mar. 14th, 2015



Text to Zee

>>Getting shot sucks
>>I'm fine now tho.

[Separate text to Roy]
>>Kinda died last night.
>>not fun.
>>Don't recommend.
[ooc: backdated a few hours post the recent log]</b>

Mar. 5th, 2015



Text to Zatanna

>>Very serious question time.
>>How do you feel about the Stooges?

Feb. 14th, 2015




Sent to Zee )

Jun. 13th, 2014



Identical messages to Marguerite St. Just, Courfeyrac, and Dick Grayson

Fondest greetings to you all,

Since the three of you have shown interest in doing something of a performance, I thought I would contact everyone to see when each of you is available for a meeting.

I'd like to meet with each of you individually, first, and then we can see about meeting as a group to start organizing this event.

Please reply with your availabilities, and we will work something out to our satisfaction.

Erik Garnier

Jun. 12th, 2014


PM to Anna

Hey! Do you still want to come try flying? All you have to do is let me know when you're free, okay?

Jun. 11th, 2014



[Text to Roy]

>> dami says b dies
>> i dont
>> i cant
>> i dont want to dream that
>> ive never even met him in real life and i still love him so much

Jun. 2nd, 2014



[Text to Damian]

>> dont forget to wear a hat and scarf if you go outside
>> and gloves!!!
>> you have a warm enough coat right?

May. 27th, 2014



[Texts to Bran Stark and Dick Grayson]

>> I'm not coming out of my room until this is over.
>> This is so not cool.

May. 20th, 2014



[Text Messages]

[Texts to Bran Stark]
>> I think your sister has finally gone crazy.
>> She just told me that she wants to set me up on a blind date.
>> Since when has Arya become a match maker?
>> Do you think this is a good idea?

[Text to Dick Grayson]
>> Have you ever been on a blind date?

May. 3rd, 2014


[Text Messages]

[Text to Roy]
>> hey do you mind looking into something for me?
>> more like someone actually

[Text to Damian]
>> dami, feel like learning to use silks?
>> im probably gonna be doing a show
>> and id like to set you up with a routine too

Apr. 22nd, 2014



[Text Messages]

[Text to Alyssa Hamilton]
>> I'm starting to think that I didn't really know my mom at all.

[Texts to Dick Grayson]
>> I got a visit from a lawyer yesterday.
>> My mom had a bunch of money set aside for me.
>> More money then I ever knew we had.

Apr. 8th, 2014



[To All Friends of Damian Wayne and Bran Stark]

So, April 15th is mine and Bran's eighteenth birthday. Yes, we're best friends who just happen to share a birthday. So, we've decided that on April nineteenth we're gonna have a party at Bran's house aka Stark Manor in Laguna Beach. So, everyone who is friends with both or either of us is invited. There's a pool and we'll probably be barbecuing. Also, no alcohol. Don't think Bran's parents would be too happy about that.



[Texts to Dick Grayson]

>> Ever been to a shooting range?
>> As in guns?
>> Have you ever handled a gun?

Mar. 17th, 2014



[Text Messages]

[Texts to Darcy Lewis]
>> Happy St. Patrick's Day.
>> Hope you're wearing something green so no one will pinch you.
>> That's my job ;)

[Texts to Dick Grayson]
>> Happy St. Patrick's Day.
>> Wearing something green so no one will pinch you?
>> I mean, unless that's how you roll and you want to be pinched.

Mar. 2nd, 2014


Text to Roy

>> i know its the middle of the night
>> but can i come over?
>> i cant
>> i dont
>> i need a best friend right now
>> please be awake

Feb. 21st, 2014


Text(s) to Damian

>> between the weather and the orcs
>> i am officially stuck inside
>> its been 8 hrs since my last
>> escape attempt
>> i am going stir crazy
>> entertain me
>> btw are u ok
>> i think i need to spend more time
>> on the roofs around here
>> when theres less ash
>> i want to know if theyre really as
>> clean as they look when the ash
>> is gone
>> i have a new elephant
>> her name is zitka
>> shes pink
>> ill introduce u the next time
>> u come over
>> that should be soon
>> hope ur ok
>> i am so bored

Jan. 23rd, 2014



[PM to Dick Grayson]

Hey, it's Damian Wayne, we talked a few times on Valarnet. I was just wondering if that offer for flying lessons was still on the table.

Nov. 4th, 2012




[To Rarity and Dick]

>> Ty Lee and I will be taking a long honeymoon, and then we need to move back to San Francisco to take care of business. I'll visit, promise.

[Deposit slip gifted to Rarity]

Three million dollars deposited.

Nov. 3rd, 2012



Encrypted Email To Bruce Wayne

(After a fairly complex series of codes and such, the password is revealed as "Zitka" )

We...need to talk again. About some of the stuff I've learned about me that carries over into our lives here. I need to know if I'm being completely paranoid about something or not.

Were your parents killed in this world after you dreamed about...

Did you have the dream about your parents in close proximity to...

Nevermind. Those are terrible questions to bring up. At least in email.


Oct. 21st, 2012



[Encrypted Email to Bruce Wayne]

I think I'm ready to become Nightwing.
Anywhere we can talk about the specifics and training?



[Locked Message To Nighthawk. Encrypted]

Been sitting on this for a while because I'm in no shape at all yet to do anything about it but...

I'm Nightwing. In the dreams. I used to be Robin and worked with Batman.

I've talked to Batman about this stuff a little and uh...

It's a long shot but I want to help. Could you...Would you mind meeting to talk?

Oct. 14th, 2012



Text to Azula

>> ...
>> Is she serious? Whips and chains are SO old school.

Sep. 20th, 2012



Email To Bruce:

To: Bruce Wayne
From: Dick Grayson
Subject: RE: Wayne Enterprises Dress Code

Encrypted again, with the password

Another dream today. This one involved ME being Batman because you were supposedly dead and I'd taken over. I had two "little brothers" who worked with us, Tim and Damian. Damian's actually your son, and Tim's a genius hacker I met who you took on as "Robin", your sidekick, after I left/outgrew it/I'm not sure yet.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?


Sep. 18th, 2012



Email To Bruce

To: Bruce Wayne
From: Dick Grayson

Subject: Seven Habits Workshop Rooms Rescheduled.


HaBItT 1- bE pRoAcTive -3Rd FlOor lOuNGe Sept 7teenth


((A few minutes later, another email, secure, and requiring a password appears from a different account))

To: Bruce Wayne
From: Dick Grayson
Subject: Check your last email now.

((it's kind of a secret, really)) )