The Communications


February 14th, 2018



PM to Ruby

[This message is sent before she gets hit with an arrow on the 14th, at around the exact time of posting. Also mention of injury in the comments.]

I don't normally message people in the middle of the night, but this is... possibly an emergency and you did say I could come to you if I ever needed help.

So... I need help.



Remnant Filter Message

(Pretend this was sent mid morning and not at 6am)

Hey guys, it's Valentine's day and... it doesn't have to just be about couples, or relationships. Friendships, right, that's a kind of love? So I'm thinking of all of you, I thought I'd just say. I appreciate that you exist, or in some cases that scorpion poison men didn't kill you, and... stuff like that. I hope you're having an awesome day! You should come down to Emerald City sometime today, I'll buy each of you a drink!

So uhm... uh... hi. This one's just us now, but... I dreamed a lot. Sorry I didn't say something sooner, but we're partners and we should talk more, right? We should be friends.

Do you maybe want to catch a movie or something? I just thought I'd ask. You never say yes in the dreams, but- Oh wait are you even dreaming yet?




Text to Leon Orcot )



txt to Lena Luthor

>> Who's the most beautiful woman this Valentine's Day?
>> Me!




UPS Package left for Blake )




[Backdated to this morning]

Olivia Moore you have 4 new messages )