Jun. 6th, 2008



Alyson Hannigan
Emily Deschanel
Eliza Dushku
Julia Stiles
Majandra Delfino
Rose McGowan
Veronica Mars
Zooey Deschanel


Alyson Hannigan
Gossip Girl
Majandra Delfino
Sophia Bush


rest at my journal, HERE!

Aug. 22nd, 2007



Kristen Bell talks about her new role. She doesn't reveal much more than what was mentioned in the press release, but it is an interesting interview. She also discusses mourning Veronica Mars.

Aug. 20th, 2007


No wonder she's been hanging out with Sylar so much...

Kristen Bell joins cast of HEROES.

Interesting news.

Aug. 15th, 2007


Some Rules

Here are some basic rules to follow if you are going to be posting at this asylum.

1) Be respectful. No flaming or wank, please.

2) Post anything related to Veronica Mars. Fic, graphics, pictures, show discussion, and cast news are all welcome.

3) Please put graphics, pictures, fics and long posts under a cut.

4) Use tags! A list of tags can be found here. Please use them as they make things more organized.

5) Advertising fic or graphics asylums is okay as long as Veronica Mars is involved somehow. Ficathons are welcome as well. Do not advertise asylums if they have nothing to do with this show. For example, do not advertise a Supernatural fic asylum. If you want to share an SPN/VM crossover fic, that is allowed.

That's about it right now. If there are any questions, feel free to ask in comments.

Aug. 11th, 2007


Moving on Ficathon!

If this isn't allowed please let me know and I'll remove this entry immediately

I'm hosting a mult-fandom ficathon over at my journal.


Sign-ups end the 31st of August.

Aug. 4th, 2007


Logan Echolls, the... vampire?

Jason Dohring plays Josef, a 400 yr old vampire, in Moonlight, a new series set to premiere on CBS in September.

Apparently, he will be wearing lots of swank suits. *drools*

Cast interview HERE. Scroll down a bit, until you reach '"Moonlight" interview from Comic Con.' Includes new promo photos, including the first one as JD as Josef.

Fansite HERE.

Way to go, Jason!

Aug. 2nd, 2007



This is an asylum for fans of Veronica Mars. Feel free to post fan fiction, graphics, or musings about the show.

Here are a few introductory questions. Post responses in comments if you'd like.