February 14th, 2011

[info]prouddaughter in [info]uprisingrpg

Present Left on the Dining Table in Neville and Hannah's Flat

[Note Attached]

Happy Valentine's Day, Sparky. I baked these myself, with extra love.


[info]sparkofgenius in [info]uprisingrpg

Owl Post
To: Aurora Sinistra
From: Barty Crouch, Jr.

Owl to Aurora )

To: Bayleigh Crouch
From: Barty Crouch, Jr.

Owl to Bayleigh )

[info]humanbludger in [info]uprisingrpg

Owl Posts
To: Angelina Johnson, Fleur Delacour, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Katie Bell, Zacharias Smith
From: Fred Weasley

Owls! )

To: Patience Montgomery
From: Anonymous

Owl to Patience )

[info]ex_masker481 in [info]uprisingrpg

To: Tracey Davis
From: Theodore Nott

owl post )

[info]whiteknightess in [info]uprisingrpg

owl posts

To: Ross, Felixa, Tibby, Constance, Pansy, Ginny, Angelina, Katie, Fleur (...other friends I might be forgetting?)
From: Romilda

owl post )

To: Zach
From: Romilda

owl post )

To: David
From: Romilda

owl post )

[info]rupatientia in [info]uprisingrpg

To: Chastity
From: Patience

left on the dining room table )

To: Felixa Abaddon
From: Patience Montgomery

owl post )

To: Tiberius Abaddon
From: Patience Montgomery

owl post )

To: Fred Weasley
From: Patience Montgomery

owl post )

[info]notsochaste in [info]uprisingrpg

Owl Posts

To: Barty Crouch
From: Chastity Montgomery

Owl post... )

To: Marek Bobbin
From: Chastity Montomery

Owl post... )

[info]bayleighcrouch in [info]uprisingrpg

To: Daddy
From: Bayleigh

Left on Barty's desk in his office )

To: Aurora
From: Bayleigh

owl post )

To: Chas
From: Bayleigh

owl post )

To: Millie
From: Bayleigh

owl post )

[info]hekatos in [info]uprisingrpg

(random note: the owl is from the post office in Diagon)
To: Chastity Montgomery
From: Marek Bobbin

owl post )

[info]drakontos in [info]uprisingrpg

To: Pansy Parkinson
From: Draco Malfoy

owl post )

[info]ex_patientia733 in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: LENTIL (aka Kevin and Su)
What: Valentine's Day celebrations!
When: Valentine's Day, obvs.
Where: Su's car.
Warnings: TBA
Status: Incomplete

the rain is falling on my window pane, but we are hiding in a safer place; under the covers staying soft and warm, you give me feelings that I adore )

[info]rebelhellion in [info]uprisingrpg

What: a very bloody holiday. Bahaha.
When: Valentine's Day, evening.
Where: Ella's flat.
Warnings: it's TELLA, and it's Valentine's Day.
Status: Incomplete

be my bloody valentine? )

[info]greencarnation in [info]uprisingrpg

To: Colin Creevey
From: Zach Smith

You'll be my valentine, valentine )

To: Romilda Vane
From: Zach Smith

See you and me have a better time than most can dream of )

To: Fletcher Parkinson
From: Zach Smith

Baby don't be afraid, I'm gonna hurt you real good )

To: Theo, T, Tracey, Pansy, Gilbert, Fred, George, Seamus, & other friends
From: Zach Smith

I'll be there for you )
