[info]emma_frost wrote
on June 25th, 2008 at 04:34 am

Prince Imrahil Swanhelm,

I trust you are well? Your cough has me worried, but I know you are in capable hands. Please, follow any directions the healers give you. I trust the others are well, as well? Particularly Aergannel and Lothiriel. And I recieved the missive about the King. Give him my best wishes, please?

Now, you know me well enough to know that I generally do not write letters to be pleasant. except he used to, to his wife, when they were courting. And they were steamy. Then the war happened ;_;

There has been an unforunate incident within the city. A pair of murders so gruesome that I have taken it upon myself to personally oversee the investigation. I've kept it from public knowledge, for the time being.

No one deserves such a fate. We do not yet know these women's names, nor occupation, but we are asking questions discreetly.


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