[info]untold_healers wrote
on June 17th, 2008 at 07:34 pm

A letter arrives at Boromir's office...

... in the hands of a very winded Page.


I will be brief. Aragorn is stable, though has awoken only briefly. At the time being, I feel it is safe to assume he will survive this. Since he continues to ask for Arwen upon waking, I am lifting my ban on visitors so that she may sit by his side.

Any futher company or stresses may reverse the work we have done, so I will allow Arwen, and ONLY Arwen, be present. I will make a note when it is allowable for Stewards to come berate him for so foolishly walking the streets alone.

In other news, as I hear the ranger Ithiriel works for your brother, he may wish to know that she, also, is stable, though he may wish to relieve her from duty indefinitely. I would prefer it if no one troubled her, as well. There are already enough elves in the houses to make the healers worry of a possible invasion.

I can be found here if you need anything further.

- Lord Elrond

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