.::... .:.:. ...

May 2016
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Clearing things out a bit as I realize I might need to disapeer a bit more now that graduation is looming (next weekend, omigod) and the master's exam in August, and studying for that, are going to take up a great deal of time. I also note that these muses don't seem...totally happy comfy with being played anymore or in the experiments I tried with them so...

Sar is dropping:
Devona (Probably I'll npc her as needed)
Guthlaf (See the Devvie note)

Everyone else is staying though!


Changes = teh done! Congrats on the impending graduation, and boo-hiiissss! @ the uber!exam? Hope it goes well, though, and seems like you'll have a fair amount o' time to kick it in ze bum! ;D