Dec. 23rd, 2010


Delivered to Ariana Dumbledore )

Nov. 21st, 2010


WHO: Ariana and Salazar
WHEN: Sunday evening
WHERE: Outdoors, near the beach
WHAT: a meeting

It was getting late and Ariana really should have been home earlier )

Nov. 18th, 2010


Who: Ariana and Scorpius
Where: Ariana's bungalow
When: Thursday evening
What: Scorpius comes over for whatever it is he likes to drink.
Status/Rating: Incomplete, low

What does a teenage girl want with a grown man? )

Aug. 14th, 2010


WHO: Ariana and Tom
WHEN: Backdated to Friday during the storm
WHERE: The pub
WHAT: Meeting!
STATUS: Incomplete

She had spun around in the rain, twirling until she felt as though she was going to lose her dinner )

Aug. 10th, 2010


Who: Albus Dumbledore and Ariana Dumbledore
Where: Ariana's residence
When: Tuesday 
What: A necessary conversation
Rating/Status: Incomplete/Lowish?

Jul. 29th, 2010


WHO: Ariana and Scorpius
WHERE: Scorpius's bungalow
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHAT: Chatting, evil baggage

Ariana had never been able to picture what a future for her looked like )

Jul. 20th, 2010


Who: Ariana and Gellert
When: Tuesday morning
Where: The clothing store
What: A fitting!
Rating: TBD

The clothing inside was all wrong )

Jul. 7th, 2010


WHO: Ariana and Scorpius
WHERE: The Apothecary
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHAT: First day of "work"
STAUTS: Incomplete

Appearances could easily be deceiving )

Jun. 29th, 2010


WHO: Ariana Dumbledore and James Potter
WHERE: Outside their cottage
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHAT: Ariana's arrival
STATUS: Imcomplete

She was trying to believe that it was still a dream but after repeated pinchings... she was losing faith in that theory and growing increasingly agitated )