December 2010




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Nov. 29th, 2010


Invitations for Laura & Ernie's REAL reception.

Invitation sent to Silas Dobbs, Eleanor Branstone, Rose Zeller, Hannah Abbott, Terence Higgs, Tavish Urquhart, Adrian Pucey, Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Padma Zabini, Morag MacDougal, Alexander Bole, Steve Cornfoot, and Marcus Flint )

Included in Silas's Owl )

Nov. 28th, 2010



Nov. 20th, 2010


Owls to Bridesmaids

Owls to Silas, Rose, Eleanor, and Hannah )

Oct. 3rd, 2010


Who: Alex and Hannah
Where: Bole Estate
When: Saturday Night after the Ministry and Nott Fiasco's
Rating: Low more than likely with some language

It had been a long hard day. Time to complain. )

Sep. 28th, 2010


Gifts left for Hannah

Gifts left in Hannah's Room )

Sep. 20th, 2010


Who: Alex and Hannah
Where: Hannah's room at the estate
When: Sunday Night
Rating: PG13 tops, language and angry types

The Hufflepuff had grown herself a spine. It was time to see how long it lasted. )

Sep. 18th, 2010


Gift for Hannah

Gift left on Hannah's bed )

Sep. 11th, 2010



Characters: Narcissa & Lucius, Blaise & Padma, Su & Stewart, Malcolm & Marietta, Alex & Hannah, Millicent & Roger, Steve & Rose, Vincent & Mandy, Thomas & Angelina, Marcus & Cho, Adrian & Natalie, Tavish & Emma
Setting: Various rooms at the Malfoy Manor, includnig the formal sitting room, formal dining room, formal ball/banquet room, a large/lavish guest room for changing into the formal attire, and of course bathrooms when needed. They did not go near the wing of the house that Draco is sick in bed, nor did they go anywhere near Narcissa & Lucius' wing of the manor, either. There was no tour given, there was only the select rooms available, and all others were locked with charms and wards.
Summary: Etiquitte Lessons, Lunch, Tea, Questions, Dinner, Dancing, Socialising... it was a long day. Feel free to thread or OOC discuss in this post alike!

Cut for length and images )

Sep. 9th, 2010


Who: Alex and Hannah
Where: Bole Estate
When: Weds Morning
Rating: Unlikely to top PG13

It was a long hard morning, now if only the rest of the day could be nice and quiet. )

Aug. 28th, 2010


Who: Alex, Hannah, Ernie, Laura
Where: Laura's home
When: Friday, Aug 27, Evening
What: Hufflepuff Dinner with the Token Slytherin
Rating: PG13 tops

Spending the evening surrounded by Hufflepuffs was the worst nightmare he could imagine. )

Aug. 21st, 2010


Who: Hannah Abbott and Alexander Bole
When: August 21, 2010 - late morning, before Parvati's arrival
Where: Bole's Home
Rating: PG13 we assume
Summary: Hannah has to swallow her pride and make peace with her husband-to-be.

Since her first introduction to Bole over dinner, Hannah had spent almost all of her time in her room. Her interactions over the journal had been less than positive and she was pretty sure Bole wanted nothing to do with her. The fact that he was gone for all of yesterday with no indication of where he was or when he would return home shouldn't have bothered her, but it did in a way. The fact that he could come and go as he pleased when she didn't even have a wand to her name bothered her. She realized that she had to get used to it, though - she would have to get used to a lot of things.

Swallowing her pride was one of them. She hated this arrangement, that much was clear. Still, there was nothing she could do about it, so she decided to do her best to accept the situation she was stuck in. With that in mind - and news that Parvati would be arriving and looking for shopping - she set off to find her fiancé. And apologize.

She found him on the second floor balcony that overlooked the grounds. She had to admit that they were impressive, and she'd even taken a brief stroll on the property yesterday. She hesitated on the doorway before she cleared her throat to make her presence known. "Do you mind if I join you?" she asked. Her tone was almost timid, though this was really just her way of trying to make sure she didn't start fighting with him. She was back in the outfit she'd worn when she first arrived since it was technically the only outfit she officially had. The rest of the clothes she'd been wearing had been left behind by Bole's sister when she moved out and were ill-fitting, though admittedly nicer than anything Hannah owned for herself.

Aug. 20th, 2010


Hannah finally meets Alex

Who: Alex and Hannah
Where: Bole Estate
When: Thursday, Aug 19th
What: Hannah's just arriving
Rating: Low

A Hufflepuff was just what he had always wanted to marry. Really )