December 2010




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Nov. 29th, 2010


RP Thread: Narcissa & Eleanor

Characters: Eleanor & Narcissa
Setting: The Malfoy Estate; As Narcissa is carrying all business on there to keep up appearances even while they're in St. Ive's.
When: The day after Eleanor & Higgs got into the fight on the journals.
Summary: Eleanor has somethings she wants to discuss with Narcissa though probably wasn't expecting their meeting to end up the way it was.

Something Witty Here )


Invitations for Laura & Ernie's REAL reception.

Invitation sent to Silas Dobbs, Eleanor Branstone, Rose Zeller, Hannah Abbott, Terence Higgs, Tavish Urquhart, Adrian Pucey, Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Padma Zabini, Morag MacDougal, Alexander Bole, Steve Cornfoot, and Marcus Flint )

Included in Silas's Owl )

Nov. 28th, 2010



Nov. 20th, 2010


Owls to Bridesmaids

Owls to Silas, Rose, Eleanor, and Hannah )

Nov. 19th, 2010


WHO Kevin Whitby & Eleanor Branstone
WHEN 19 November 2000 | random throughout the day
WHERE skies//its an owl!

[owl to eleanor branstone] )

Oct. 31st, 2010


Who: All Pureblood Society, Bound and Enslaved who are serving.
When: October 31st 2000, Evening.
Where: Ministry Ballroom, Ministry of Magic.
Rating: Medium (if the thread turns adult, please move it to a locked thread)
Warnings: None.
Summary: Halloween Masquerade Ball

The Night Promised an Evening of Sophisticated Elegance…  )

Oct. 12th, 2010


OWL: to Kevin Whitby

owl to Kevin )

Sep. 26th, 2010


RP: Revelry Over Flows

Who: Eleanor Branstone, Terence Higgs
When: September 25/26, middle of the night
Where: Higg's Flat
Rating: Medium, maybe?
Warnings: Drunken Higgs
Summary: Eleanor is surprised to have a drunk fiance

Fancy Typies Here )

Sep. 22nd, 2010


WHO Silas Dobbs & Eleanor Branstone
WHEN 22 September 2000 | mid-day
WHERE the flat above Pure

It wasn't meant to be this way, this godforsaken way )

Sep. 20th, 2010


WHO Silas Dobbs, Eleanor Branstone & Terence Higgs
WHEN 20 September 2000 | around 2 o'clock
WHERE out shopping
RATING Low/Med (maaaybe, but not probable)

Maybe we should be playing dress up dress up )

Sep. 13th, 2010


Who: Higgs, whoever else showed up. (Add your tag, please!)
When: September 12
Where: Higg's Manor
Rating: TBD
Summary: Socializing without the annoyance of formal attire.

Sep. 8th, 2010


RP Thread: Narcissa and Eleanor

Characters: Narcissa Malfoy & Eleanor Branstone
Setting: The drawing room at the Malfoy Manor, afternoon tea.
Summary: Eleanor asked for an audience with Narcissa and she is granting her that.
Rating: Low, I'm guessing
status: Thread/Closed/Incomplete

Pretend this says something clever and witty, thanks! )

Sep. 4th, 2010


Owl to Eleanor Branstone

Owl to Eleanor Branstone )

Sep. 1st, 2010



Who: Eleanor Branstone, Rose Zellar
When: September 1, 2000 - Early Afternoon
Where: Diagon Alley
Rating: Low
Warning: Possible complaining?
Summary: Rose needs some company and Eleanor could use getting out

He had said that she could take advantage of her freedom )

Aug. 27th, 2010


Who: Rose Zeller, Steve Cornfoot, Emma 'Silas' Dobbs, Eleanor Branstone and Terence Higgs.
When: Friday August 27th 2000.
Where: Cornfoot Residence, Yorkshire
Rating: Low I’d imagine.
Warnings: High volume of Hufflepuffs in enclosed space?
Summary: Hufflepuff tea party.

Rose walked far too fast towards the apparition point to see if they had arrived, a nervous grin playing on her features. )

Aug. 23rd, 2010


WHO Eleanor Branstone, Silas Dobbs, Terence Higgs
WHEN 23 August 2000 | very early morning
WARNINGS girl-squeeing eventually
SUMMARY Higgs picks up Silas to her relief.

Read more... )

Aug. 21st, 2010


RP: First Times for Everything

Who: Eleanor Branstone and Terence Higgs
When: August 20, 2010 - Evening
Where: Higgs Flat - London
Rating: Low?
Warnings: Crude?
Summary: Eleanor comes "home"

It was completely rude )