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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Apr. 18th, 2012|12:18 pm]

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Open up your mind
Let your fantasies unwind
In this darkness which you know you cannot fight
The darkness of the music of the night...

...My Angel would laugh at me if she knew I'd been struck with this affliction. At least it makes it easier to work on my compositions.
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[Jan. 2nd, 2012|02:09 pm]
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Ay me, and so we end the season of celebration and enter a quieter time. A pity, I enjoyed the exultations. And the lights.

My passionate one, how goes your work?
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[Nov. 3rd, 2011|02:18 pm]

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I'm writing again. Beautiful, amazing music.

My muse, I think this is down to you. Thank you.
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[Oct. 29th, 2011|10:52 am]

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Should anyone need assistance, the Adelphi Theatre in London is watched over by myself. Anything evil that dares intrude on my domain will soon find themselves bereft of life... or of whatever excuse for it they have.
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[Oct. 22nd, 2011|10:40 am]
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So, I've, uh, got a job. Just a part-time one, working at an animal shelter. They can only pay me for one day a week, but I agreed to volunteer on some of the other days. I still don't like the cages, but at least they're getting cared for. And they need help, and I can help keep them healthy, so that's good.

Aedan )

Cor )

Erik Lensherr )

Melora )

Merrill )

Phantom )

Stefan )

Private )
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[Oct. 17th, 2011|01:26 pm]
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Ah, I am bored today. Is anyone writing anything interesting? For I am not, and it is tedious. If only I could inspire myself as easily as I do others! My sisters would laugh so.

Phantom )
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[Oct. 4th, 2011|09:54 am]
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I think Nuriko might be gone. As in, it's not that I can't find him, it's that he's not anywhere to be found.

I don't know what to do.

Corinth )
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[Oct. 3rd, 2011|11:48 am]

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Open auditions. Adelphi Theatre in London, starting Wednesday, nine through five, until we find the Angel I require. Oh, for Christine to be here

Operatic training a bonus, but not required. I can train anyone to perfection.
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[Sep. 26th, 2011|06:37 am]

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The longer I am here, the more my creative muse dwindles. All the music I'm writing is trash, not worthy of staging.

Perhaps I need to find myself a new student. I can hardly be the Angel of Music when all I do is skulk around in caverns and scare the occasional tourist.
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[Jun. 17th, 2011|09:01 pm]


With the boy and Miss Fleck gone, I've had little reason to tear myself away from my work, and for that I apologise, both to myself and to anyone who would seek me. Burying myself in work just produces Vaudeville trash, nothing worthy of being staged.

I hear a theatre's opening up in London, the Adelphi. I may transfer operations, try and find my muse over there and stage a show. It'd certainly beat out whatever plans they have for it currently, I'm sure.
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[Apr. 21st, 2011|06:45 pm]

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Interesting. Never thought this universe one for creatures of the night.

About time I got some practice in, though. One never knows when a fool might attempt something rash.
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[Feb. 19th, 2011|07:35 pm]
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Programs can say what they like about you Users. But you do have some pretty awesome music.
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[Nov. 17th, 2010|11:52 am]


My mask finally feels like cooperating with me and staying put, and the boy has finally stopped causing all my instruments to play Vaudeville trash. Thank God.

I feel this will be the last time the boy and I trust anything that Miss Fleck gives us. It may well be part of her revenge for all she says we did.

If that is the case, I shudder to think what she'd do to Mademoiselle Giry and her mother.
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[Sep. 17th, 2010|05:29 pm]

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The latest 'movements' out of this universe have robbed me of a fine musician or two. Truly a shame... the boy and Miss Fleck may say that automation is the future of music, but opera simply cannot work that way.

Real music needs a soul. Automatons simply can't provide that.
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[Jun. 3rd, 2010|07:51 am]

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I so often forget about this. I get so wrapped up in my operas, my creations, that I forget that the world outside even exists.

I suppose I should get other hobbies. Ones that don't involve secluding myself underground.
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[Mar. 12th, 2010|07:59 pm]

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I've never had so much success with the ladies. I truly am quite the masterful seducer.

Even Christine wouldn't be able to resist me now.
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[Mar. 6th, 2010|03:08 pm]

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My first opera for this world is complete. A story of love, deception, illegitimacy... I can only hope it's well-received.

I drew on a few personal experiences for some scenes. With a life as varied as mine has been, you cannot blame me.
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[Feb. 21st, 2010|11:12 pm]
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Okay. I can deal with the fact that I've been rewritten as a guy. Anything that stops me looking like that damned hippy can't be all bad.

But kids' TV? Really?!

When I find out who's behind this, they're gonna have to figure out how to reattach their head to their body, assuming said body can find said head in time.
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[Jan. 11th, 2010|03:52 am]

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Whirlwinds in the opera house. Whatever next.

Whilst I can work this contraption, I'd rather like an explanation. This isn't the opera, nor is it the 1800s any longer... that much I can tell.
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