Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Jun. 23rd, 2010|09:06 pm]
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Who has a date with a hot blonde on Friday? Oh yeah, that's this guy.

Mady, I'll have you know, that this IS a bragworthy event, because this is an actual date, which isn't a euphemism for sex. A movie and everything. So don't you give me that "Sky is blue, grass is green" crap.

And some grass is blue. Just ask papa, he lived down there for a long, long time.

Edit; Pam, would you like to go check out the new arrivals in SoHo some time? I'm just not feeling the stuff I've got anymore.
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[May. 9th, 2010|03:43 pm]
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Happy Mother's Day, Mother. I'm sure Luc will have done something fittingly inappropriate like stopping time to give you a few minutes leisure or something similarly unworthy. I on the other hand have created a garden for you behind the Vatican. I know how much you love flowers.

Have a look at it:

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[Apr. 23rd, 2010|08:43 pm]
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Oh fine, I'll post too. Hi, I'm Luc, I live here.

Ladies, commence to starting up your vibrators... Now.
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[Apr. 23rd, 2010|10:41 pm]
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What in the hell's all this? I thought I'd seen everything weird.
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[Apr. 23rd, 2010|06:29 pm]
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Oh super. 2010? Really? I mean this isn't the first time you've moved me through time, Luc. But it's the first time we've gone back to before we were even born.

Where are you, little brother? Did you at least stick around to get me out of here? Mother, Father? Are either of you here yet?
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[Apr. 23rd, 2010|06:35 pm]
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Gigi? Darling?

Would you mind explaining to me why the new bartender just called me "papa"?
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