Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Sep. 12th, 2008|05:52 pm]
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Oh! So I've noticed there a lot of superheroes and stuff around here, and I just wanted to let everybody know that can heal people now, so if you ever get injured or anything, just look me up. I'm Codex. Or if you're getting ready to go out adventuring I can buff you before you go.

So, yeah! I think that's it!

Oh, hey, Billy?
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[Aug. 31st, 2008|11:57 pm]
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Hey, what's the deal? I was in the middle of a raid. Now I tried logging back in and my character is gone and none of the guild is signed on. Not even any of their alts. I mean, sure, maybe one of them might not be online at this time of day, but all of them were gone. And we were in the middle of a raid! It's like some sort of.. geek rapture happened and somehow I got left behind. It's kind of creepy. I really really hope this is just some sort of weird patch issue.

And also there was a vortex thing. Weird.
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|04:18 pm]
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That was a weird thing. Cyclonic forces like that do not occur in nature!

Captain Hammer couldn't have done it; he's not smart enough. And Professor Darkness is in Hawaii on vacation, so... hm. Mystery.

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