Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[May. 24th, 2008|12:20 am]

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This is more disturbing than that time my great great granddaughter tried to seduce me.
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[May. 23rd, 2008|11:19 pm]

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i can't see the ground why can't i see the ground i can't see the ground what the fuck
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[May. 24th, 2008|12:16 am]

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Oh, what the hell.
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[May. 23rd, 2008|09:12 pm]

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I want to go home. No more bad clothes, people getting hurt, absurd technology or... lack of bathrooms.
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[May. 24th, 2008|12:09 am]
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[May. 24th, 2008|12:03 am]


At this moment, everything in the game changes to:

THE FUTURE! - The year is 4073. There are robotic dinosaurs, flying ships, barely anyone on earth, lots of ways to get to new planets, very weird Doctor Whoish Aliens, shit like that.

And will be that way until midnight tomorrow. COMPUTERS ARE BACK YAY! Portkeys still work.

THE TAG FOR THIS PLOT IS: time warp plot
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[May. 23rd, 2008|08:22 pm]

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The hell?

This computer... is powered by steam.

Last thing I remember was being swept up in... something. This don't seem like the last nightmare I got stuck in.

Gotta get back, can't leave him all alone.

((ooc: spoilers for Supernatural S3 finale!))
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[May. 23rd, 2008|10:50 pm]
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I just realized something.

Maybe this next leap...will be the leap home!

This reference brought to you by the letter G, for "geek".
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[May. 23rd, 2008|09:58 pm]

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I have a computer again!

Albeit one powered by what appears to be a pressure cooker.

Is there any way we can trade weird steampunk New York for regular New York? Because I currently have a steam powered motorcycle that transforms into a dirigible, and that's A-OK with me.
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[May. 23rd, 2008|04:07 pm]

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Can I just ask what the HELL is going on?

Ugh, stupid freaky place.
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[May. 23rd, 2008|06:25 pm]
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There are serpents. On this motherfucking dirigible.

I couldn't make this up.
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[May. 23rd, 2008|04:54 pm]
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I'm apparently a photojournalist again, but I've got this...behemoth that seems to be some kind of camera. It's...it's like a backpack. I can't believe something this clunky works, but it does.
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[May. 23rd, 2008|10:51 am]
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This shifting through eras was beginning to give me a headache, but I find myself quite taken with this one. Just ten minutes ago, I saw a mechanical cat shifting and lurching down the sidewalk, grey smoke trickling from its ears in a most lazy and catlike manner while the sun glinted bronze upon it.

I have a DELIGHTFUL hat!

Now... if only my shoes would stop trying to crawl away on their own accord...
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[May. 23rd, 2008|04:18 am]
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Excellent. An era I am somewhat familiar with. Now I can actually have a hot bath instead of floating around on a disgusting ship.
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[May. 23rd, 2008|03:19 am]
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About fucking time! Something I can work with. Real engines and not this sailing on the high seas crap.

Figures this analog computer made enough noise to wake the baby. Also, cloth diapers suck.
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[May. 23rd, 2008|12:41 am]
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I'm in an airship. I live in an airship. Apparently airship technology works here! I have, like, a flying mansion! This is so much better than the first couple days. Not better than yesterday though. Yesterday was the best.
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[May. 22nd, 2008|09:32 pm]
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I's is being vury happies about haves my guitar back. And not beings on a grandspas guitar.

Still hasn't got any kinds of electricals, but is at least soundings about kinds of de same now.
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[May. 22nd, 2008|11:56 pm]


At this moment, everything in the game changes to:


And will be that way until midnight tomorrow. Journals are still around, but in paper form, but they are magically linked. Portkeys still work.

THE TAG FOR THIS PLOT IS: time warp plot
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[May. 22nd, 2008|10:19 pm]

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Life is short,
And pleasures few,
And holed the ship,
And drowned the crew,
But o! But o!
How very blue
the sea is!

This is the first time since leaving the Abarat or being with Onyxx that I've felt like I've fit in.

Well. After I got that stupid corset off.
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[May. 22nd, 2008|07:00 pm]
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[May. 22nd, 2008|03:38 pm]

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Can we please visit the time when TOILETS were invented?

History is full of poop, and apparently little girls are the only ones who can clean it up!
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[May. 22nd, 2008|02:53 pm]
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I wasn't aware filing cabinets could double as canons.

I learn something new every day.
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[May. 22nd, 2008|02:14 pm]
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And now I'm Dread Pirate Madrox.

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[May. 22nd, 2008|01:46 pm]
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I would really like modern day tech back so I can take a fucking picture of my new baby boy. The first few days are supposed to be crucial or so I hear. This is just starting to piss me off.
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[May. 22nd, 2008|09:50 am]
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. . . What the hell is wrong with this place?
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[May. 22nd, 2008|06:26 am]
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Alan Shore )
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[May. 22nd, 2008|03:07 am]
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Hey mom?

You know that if any of your employees are really rude to you, Jon and I can handle it, right?

Jon )
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[May. 22nd, 2008|01:26 am]
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...Dude, I'm a pirate. And the entire crew is too scared of me to call me a freak. Apparently the last guy that did...well, apparently he's still around. They told me he's on the front of the ship. Not in the front, but on it. Seems I strapped his corpse to the...uh, front of the ship instead of a statue or something.

This is good. Means I don't even have to work to keep these primitives in line.

Hey, Candy? You okay? Any idea where you ended up?
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[May. 22nd, 2008|12:47 am]
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Still Pirate King.

This is much much better.

Oh god, wait.

Does this mean the Krakken is back?
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[May. 22nd, 2008|12:37 am]
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...I thought getting off the reef would be great. A good thing.


...Wait I'm a pirate? Oh thank god. Obed Marsh wasn't a pirate captain. Okay, I can deal with this. We're headed for port. I can deal with being on the water for another hour.

...If anyone hears about a ship being eaten by a sea monster, have a toast for me.
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[May. 22nd, 2008|12:33 am]


At this moment, everything in the game changes to:


And will be that way until midnight tomorrow. Journals are still around, but in paper form, but they are magically linked. Portkeys still work.

THE TAG FOR THIS PLOT IS: time warp plot
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What the F**** [May. 21st, 2008|09:10 pm]
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[Current Mood |confused]

Can someone tell me why I'm in a bloody pinstripe suit and spatz?
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[May. 21st, 2008|07:19 pm]
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Hey Kitt? Care to help a girl out?
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[May. 21st, 2008|04:55 pm]

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[Current Mood |chipper]

Someone has to teach me how to do the Charleston! I hear it's all the rage.
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[May. 21st, 2008|05:26 pm]

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This is so not cool. ;_;
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[May. 21st, 2008|03:59 pm]

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I... I don't know how to dance. I just learned how to walk in heels, I don't -

I guess I'll practice? The dresses are pretty, at least.
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[May. 21st, 2008|01:34 pm]
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What is... a prohibition?
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[May. 21st, 2008|01:17 pm]
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Now this is much more my style. I liked it a couple days ago, yesterday sucked, but today? Today I dig it.

Only thing is, my van's a freakin' long car.
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[May. 21st, 2008|12:28 pm]
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I wasn't in the big house last night. If I can help it, I'll be out of here tonight.

And there wasn't a book with my name on it. Writing's something Bonnie does. Might as well keep it, though. It's a nice book. Can probably sell it for a pretty penny if I'm in a pinch.
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[May. 21st, 2008|12:26 pm]
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Wearing one of these flapper things is a lot less easy than it looks. Especially if you've got curves. Damn.
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