Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Oct. 28th, 2011|11:44 am]
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You know, my plan was to be carving pumpkins, not whatever-these-things-are.

Sound off. Who's where and does anyone need help? Melora's off to see to her beau, I know. And Thomas is missing, shit. What about the rest of you? We should all gather in one place if we can, there's too many of them to chase down. Hope, I don't think your flat is secure enough, we shouldn't stay here.

Miranda, keep close by.

Leandra, remember how when we were kids we'd play at being shrieks? We didn't have the scream anything like shrill enough.
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[Oct. 27th, 2011|09:24 pm]

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I have to go to Aedan. Stefan, if you try to stop me I swear on Andraste's enormous tits that you will not thaw out until next May.
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[Oct. 21st, 2011|09:20 am]
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Sisters and friends and basically anyone except Alistair and Aveline )
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[Oct. 16th, 2011|09:42 pm]
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Um. Mum? Dad?

Oh, this is just like the stories.
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[Oct. 16th, 2011|01:11 pm]

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I'm so excited I'm pretty sure I could explode into giant clouds of glitter any moment now.

DaddyDaddyDaddy, come home! The patients are starting to complain that you smell. You have to shower! And sleep. And eat. But first I want to tell you stuff!
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[Oct. 14th, 2011|04:17 pm]
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...oh man, you have got to be kidding me. I suppose I should have expected this to happen sooner or later, but couldn't it have waited until after the weekend? Tomorrow was supposed to be the big game!

Leandra, tell me you're here somewhere. Because if the vortex separated us on top of the rest of it I swear I'll find a way to hack it to bits even if it is a big gust of wind.
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