Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - June 19th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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June 19th, 2011

[Jun. 19th, 2011|10:00 am]

Happy Father's Day, Daddy.
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[Jun. 19th, 2011|10:48 am]




Edit: Fuck it. To hell with today, fathers, and everything else. Don't talk to me. I'm going to go punch people in the face.
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[Jun. 19th, 2011|12:22 pm]
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This had better be the right world or I'm going to hunt down the vortex and bitchslap it so hard.
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[Jun. 19th, 2011|01:52 pm]

Dad? I just wanted to say this and for other dads. Happy Father's Day.

Oh. And there's new people here, I see. Hi. My name is Jakob Thorn. I can be called Jake, though.
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[Jun. 19th, 2011|08:05 pm]

Does anyone need a house?
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[Jun. 19th, 2011|10:47 pm]


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Corinth )

Mikey )
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[Jun. 19th, 2011|11:24 pm]
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Hey hey Wally!
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[Jun. 19th, 2011|11:47 pm]
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It's not really a holiday in the UK, but you're a Yank, so I'll say it anyway: happy Father's Day, Daddy. I love you. Couldn't have gotten stuck with a better one.
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